The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 194 Someone Xiao's Conspiracy

Chapter 194 Someone Xiao's Conspiracy
Originally Wu Jie wanted to refute, but thinking that their boss had failed in his confession today, he was in a bad mood. If he acted like a demon again, he would probably be beaten and thrown out.

So Wu Jie kept silent.

Who knew that for the second boss, Xiao Yijin stood in a daze again when it was time to take control, causing Xiaojian and Wu Jie to lie dead together. If it weren't for Sun Yi being a meat shield, he might not have escaped death.

The nursery rhymes in front of the computer are about to drive me crazy. This book can usually be finished in 8 minutes, but now it takes 10 minutes to hit the second boss.

If it weren't for her large milk supply, I don't know how many times the group has been wiped out.

This main output of One Inch Lovesickness is either in a daze or in a fugue, occasionally waving his sleeves, which is basically soy sauce.

The nursery rhyme couldn't stand it anymore, so I typed: "Brother Acacia, can we output it well?"

Yicun Acacia: "Yes."

He said he could, but after hitting him a few times, the guy started to be in a daze again.

Nursery rhyme: "Baby Kidney, what's wrong with your boss?"

Kidney Treasure: "Ask what love is in the world, and teach people how to live and die."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Nursery rhyme: "It turned out that my relationship was frustrated. Forget it. After finishing this book, I will go to the wild team. I still have a lot of tasks today, and he doesn't have enough time to drag me like this."

Tsk tsk tsk, I really didn't expect that this one-inch lovesickness actually has an affectionate side.

I don't know which girl is so powerful that she can still hit this greasy uncle, but I have to say, she did a good job.

This inch Xiangsi usually speaks so frivolously, so she is not a good person after all.

Xiaojian: "Guest officer, have you left the order?"

Nursery rhyme: "My wife is everywhere, we are different, different..."

Shen Bao: "Brother guest officer, the wives you are talking about are from games, right? I mean in reality, Singles' Day tomorrow, do you want to come out and have fun together? You should not be far from the emperor, right?"

Seeing this, Tong Yao was startled: "Far away, we are far away."

After typing, Jiang Ya who had been lying on the bed suddenly sat up from the bed and shouted: "Nursery rhyme! Lin Feng asked me to have dinner with me tomorrow!"

Listening to her excited voice, Nursery Rhyme chuckled: "Very good, there is no class tomorrow afternoon, so you can just go and play, I have a pass for the Happy Valley of Worry-free, my grandfather gave it to me, and I will give you two. "

After finishing speaking, Tong Yao took out two tickets from her bag and handed them to Jiang Ya. Jiang Ya's emotions were all written on her face.

Looking at the ticket in her hand, Jiang Ya rushed forward and kissed Tong Yao's face: "Thank you, Tong Yao, I love you so much."

Tong Yao stretched out his hand to wipe his face in disgust, "Come on, let's pick out clothes, I'm too busy writing books, I don't have time to talk to you."

"Decree, then I won't bother our fairies to play games." Jiang Ya took the ticket and happily went to match the clothes.

When she was a child, she sat on the mountain waiting for the medicinal materials to ripen after clearing the nursery rhyme. The phone rang, and she took it over to see that it was a text message from Xiao Yijin.

He said: "Tomorrow there is a ball, please join me."

Tong Yao frowned slightly, shouldn't a group of bachelors participate in the Singles' Day dance?

What is this guy doing with himself?
After thinking about it, Nursery Rhyme replied: "What dance? It's too cold tomorrow, I don't really want to go out."

Xiao Yijin: "I went to the official masquerade ball for players held by Xianmeng, and it is possible to get photos and gifts signed by the spokesperson."

Her god?
Nursery rhyme did receive a text message from Xianmeng's official office a few days ago, but usually there are too many messages, and she didn't pay attention to the content.

If she could get a photo signed by the male god, she would go there no matter what.

So the nursery rhyme immediately replied: "What time tomorrow? Where will I meet? Do I need to prepare a dress and mask?"

Xiao Yijin received the nursery rhyme message, with a fox-like smile on the corner of her mouth, and quickly typed: "Bring yourself, and I will prepare the rest."

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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