Chapter 196
Listening to the sleepy voice of the nursery rhyme, Jiang Ya realized that she was too excited, and immediately lowered her voice and said, "I'm sorry, nursery rhyme, I was too excited just now, and I disturbed you. There are a lot of fairies, please forgive me Bar."

Yawning, Tong Yao turned over, she was not angry, but was frightened by Jiang Ya's screams: "Forget it, you can buy it, the class at ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

After she finished speaking, Tong Yao's cell phone rang several times in succession, she took out the cell phone with her eyes closed and took a look, and then lost all sleepiness.

There are rows... full of confession text messages...

And all of them are some earthy love stories, only more earthy, not the most earthy.

"You were a carbonated drink in your previous life, why am I so happy when I see you?"

"Are you tired? You have been running in my mind for more than two months."

"Brother's chest muscles and biceps are all for you to rely on."


After reading a few messages, the nursery rhyme felt a bit cold, even after wrapping the quilt tightly and hugging the warm baby, it was still cold, these men were too scary.

In order to get a good night's sleep, Tong Yao directly turned off the phone, and the world finally quieted down.

Early the next morning, Jiang Ya got up to tidy up and defeat, and when Tong Yao woke up, Jiang Ya was already dressed up.

In contrast to the nursery rhymes, the messy-haired man in his pajamas sat on the bed in a daze, without any image at all.

Jiang Ya turned her head and saw Tong Yao sitting on the bed and looking away, she looked a little cute, she couldn't help but burst into laughter: "Pfft, lord fairy, if your master schoolgirl sees you like this, you Are you going to be scared away?"

The nursery rhyme yawned lazily when she heard the words, "It's best to scare away, and it's best to scare away."

Jiang Ya: "..."

I feel sorry for Colonel Xiao for a second.

Looking at the time, it was only 10 minutes before class, Jiang Ya packed her things, and said to the nursery rhyme who had just gotten out of bed: "Hurry up and wash up, I will take you by bike, otherwise we will be late .”

"En." Tong Yao replied, and then went to wash up.

After washing and changing at the speed of light, Tong Yao and Jiang Ya went downstairs quickly. Jiang Ya rode a bicycle with Tong Yao to the direction of the teaching building, and passed Xiao Yijin and the others at the door of the library.

Xiao Yijin looked at Tong Yao with her arms around Jiang Ya's waist and smiled softly, her brows and eyes softened accordingly.

There were only two classes, but Xiao Yijin felt that this time was extremely difficult.

After he looked at his phone for the nth time, Wu Jie finally couldn't help complaining: "Boss, the nursery rhyme didn't promise you, what are you excited about this Singles' Day? Why don't you stay with us in the dormitory and play games?"

Xiao Yijin turned her head: "Who said I'm going to play games with you in the dormitory?"

Hearing Xiao Yijin's words, Xiaojian said in a chilly voice: "Hey, boss, could it be that he has given nursery rhymes a routine?"

"Routine? What is a routine? She strongly asked to go out with me, and I didn't force her." After Xiao Yijin said this, Wu Jie and the others all gave him a blank stare.

Afterwards, Wu Jie propped his chin and complained in a low voice: "I still remember someone said before: Nursery rhymes, don't chase after her, she is mine. But now? It hurts to slap her face."

Listening to Wu Jie's words, Xiaojian couldn't help but smile, and after seeing Xiao's dark face, he forcibly held back.

Feeling the coolness on Xiao's body, Wu Jie immediately turned around obediently.

Speaking of the rejection of the confession, even Xiao Yijin felt that it was normal to be rejected...

Because... Ugly girl dislikes him throughout the game, and if she agrees directly, he will suspect something wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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