Chapter 201 Mask Is The Best Disguise
With so many people watching here, she couldn't really let Xiao Yijin sleep on the durian bed here.

Looking at Xiao Yijin, Tong Yao said coldly, "You know you're wrong?"

Xiao Yijin nodded: "Yes, I know I was wrong."

Nursery rhyme: "Where did you go wrong?"

Xiao Yijin: "It's my fault for making you angry."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

"Young master, are about to miss the time for the dance." Old Zhang stood aside and said weakly.

Hearing what Old Zhang said, Tong Yao took out his phone and looked at it. It was indeed too late, so he gave Xiao Yijin a look: "Let's go."

Xiao Yijin frowned slightly when she heard this, and then said to Lao Zhang: "You call someone to deal with these durians, don't waste them."

Lao Zhang nodded: "Yes, young master."

The two went to choose a dress and mask together, and when they arrived at the dance location, there were already a lot of people.

60.00% of Xianmeng Game's dance party invites players on the rich list, and the remaining 40.00% are randomly selected among all players.

So civilian players also have the opportunity to come to the dance scene.

The reason for holding a masquerade ball is that some players don't like others to know what they look like in reality, and masks are the best disguise.

As soon as she stepped into the dance scene, Xiao Yijin grabbed Tong Yao's hand.

Tong Yao raised her head sideways, and frowned in displeasure: "What are you doing?"

"I'm worried that you will be targeted by perverts. I will hold you to show that you are a famous woman, and you can avoid a lot of trouble." Xiao Yijin just finished speaking, and a staff member wearing a mask came over and said in a low voice. He whispered in his ear: "Second young master, your father is here and wants to see you."

Xiao Yijin frowned, still worried about putting the nursery rhyme here, so she turned her head and said, "Ugly girl, I'll take you to a place."

"What are you going to do with your father and me? I'm fine by myself." After speaking, Tong Yao gently broke away from Xiao Yijin's hand.

Seeing Xiao Yijin's nervous nursery rhyme, the staff member whispered, "Second young master, this is your own home. Are you still worried that someone will abduct your wife?"

"You're the one who talks too much." Xiao Yijin glared at the man, then told the nursery rhymes a few words, and strode away.

The staff shivered from Xiao Yijin's cold eyes, and the second young master really only spoke softly when facing his wife.

Tong Yao took some food by herself, then walked to the other side to enjoy the game scene built indoors.

Although the area is small, the degree of restoration is very high, 90.00% of the scene in the game is restored.

Many people rushed to take pictures, Tong Yao stood there and looked at it, then walked away, intending to see another scene.

Unexpectedly, before he could take a few steps, he was blocked by a man.

The man glanced at Tong Yao with light eyes, and then said in a frivolous tone: "I didn't expect there to be such a beauty as you in our game, which one are you?"

Nursery rhyme took a step back in disgust, and the man actually leaned forward again holding the wine glass: "I am a great god, you must have heard my name, as long as you follow me, I promise to charge you money to increase your combat power." to more than 30."

"30? Hehe, I don't care about it." The nursery rhyme finished coldly, walked around the man and left.

The man didn't expect Tong Yao to be so shameless. Seeing Tong Yao's white skin and perfect body, the man's eyes became more presumptuous, and he immediately chased after him: "The price is negotiable, don't leave."

"Honey, what are you doing here~ I've been looking for you for a long time~" A familiar voice came, Tong Yao turned her eyes slightly, and saw Zhuang Xinyu running over and throwing herself directly into the arms of the person behind her.

Tong Yao was taken aback.


So... the wretched man behind her... is the Lich King?
(End of this chapter)

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