Chapter 203 Goosebumps
Seeing that the Lich King didn't speak for a long time, Zhuang Xinyu panicked, sobbed and said, "Husband, don't you believe me? I don't take off my makeup in front of you just to show you my perfect side, let's talk about you Didn't you say that what you love is my inside, not my appearance? Are you lying to me?"

The Lich King had already become suspicious of Zhuang Xinyu, but today there are a lot of Mengran Jiangshan's helpers, and he couldn't say anything in front of so many people, so he said softly: "Baby, I'm wholeheartedly for you, How can you easily trust someone else's words?"

Hearing this, Zhuang Xinyu was overjoyed and looked at the nursery rhyme provocatively.

The corner of Tong Yao's mouth twitched, she thought this prom was too boring, but now she suddenly found the fun.

"Rou Rou, what's the matter?" A girl wearing a rabbit mask came over, Tong Yao looked her up and down, this girl should be Zhuang Xin Yu's little follower - don't eat Tutu.

Zhuang Xinyu turned her head, pointed at the nursery rhyme, and said pitifully to Tutu: "She bullied me."

I was used to seeing Zhuang Xinyu's demeanor in school, and seeing her pretending to be a little white rabbit here is really a bit chilly, especially when I think of her plain face and paired with this terrible loli voice, nursery rhyme She couldn't help shaking, then reached out and quickly touched her arm.

Goosebumps are all up.


Tutu was already very close to Zhuang Xinyu in the game, and his friend was being bullied, so he naturally couldn't ignore it, so he walked up to the nursery rhyme and stood still: "Who are you? I already know almost all the gods, so you must be a commoner? You can come to this kind of place?"

Listening to Tutu's words, Tong Yao couldn't help sneering: "Civilian? I don't know where your sense of superiority comes from. Do you think you are superior to others?"

"Nonsense, I am No. 60 and eighth in our serving nanny rankings. Naturally, I am much better than garbage like you, but garbage should have the consciousness of being garbage. You dare to come here to bully my friend, and you still want to Are you playing in the game?" I have to say that this Tutu was very domineering when he said this, perhaps in the eyes of ordinary players, those who can be ranked on the rankings are local tyrants.

But in the eyes of nursery rhymes, these 68 people are really... just like dust.

Looking up and down at the woman in front of her, Tong Yao smiled: "Is the 68th very powerful?"

"Nonsense, rubbish like you naturally don't know what Gao Zhan feels like, rubbish, kneel down and apologize to us Rou Rou, otherwise today's business won't be over." In front of him, she was only half a head shorter than nursery rhyme, so her momentum was weaker.

Tong Yao wondered, she is the feared poisonous milk in the game, and she was threatened by someone today?

How could someone call her trash?
Can this be tolerated?

No... must not.

"Games always use strength to speak. There is a PK area over there. Since you are so good, how about we compete? Let's play a game with stakes." When Tong Yao said this, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. There is a faint smile.

Zhuang Xinyu is no stranger to this smile.

The nursery rhyme tortured her at the last meeting, and she was so calm back then.

If the Lich King fights Tongyao, he can still win, but Tutu's fighting power is not as high as his own, so it is impossible to win Tongyao.

In order to prevent Tutu from being abused by nursery rhymes in public, Zhuang Xinyu stepped forward and tugged at her sleeve: "Tutu, forget it, it's not good if this kind of occasion is too ugly, we're here for a party, It’s not here to play games, besides, there are so many people in our sect, and others say that we bully the few with more.”

Hearing this, the Lich King reached out and stroked Zhuang Xinyu's hair lightly: "Rourou is really sensible."

Hearing this, Zhuang Xinyu smiled shyly.

Her contrived appearance caught Nursery Rhyme's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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