Chapter 216 My Wife Is Not Violent

Hearing this, Xiao Yijin glanced coldly at the three people in front of her: "You mortals will not understand my thoughts, how could my wife be so rude."

My... wife?
Wu Jie and others: "..."

They wouldn't find nursery rhymes rude if they had done it before.

But thinking of the various aggressive styles of guest officials in the game, they were still a little worried for Xiao Yijin.

Watching Xiao Yijin walk into the bathroom, Wu Jie rolled his eyes, and said in a low voice, "I don't think the boss wants to use this condition to trick nursery rhymes? It's the kind that asks nursery rhymes to sign the marriage agreement if they win the bet." What?"

"Marriage agreement? I've heard of divorce agreements before. What is this marriage agreement? Don't lie to me because I don't read much." have no idea.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Sun Yi remembered something and frowned and said: "Wait, does anyone else know that Shuai Chuangqiong is a guest official trumpet?"

Wu Jie was a little confused: "I probably don't know, but I'm still a little depressed. I went to the guest official live broadcast room countless times, but I didn't find the slightest similarity between the voice and the nursery rhyme? It's clearly two people, okay?" ?”

"She probably used a voice changer in the live broadcast, so no one can hear it. She is now the top three popular anchors on the platform. If her identity as a woman is exposed, it will have a great impact on her. I don't know if Zhuang Xinyu knows that Shuai Chuangqiong is the trumpet of the guest officer, if she knows, that woman will definitely destroy the nursery rhyme live broadcast room without any effort." After Sun Yi said this, Wu Jie and Xiaojian The back is a little cold.

Wu Jie's face was full of sadness, this Zhuang Xinyu was not worrying.

The more Xiaojian thinks about it, the more strange it becomes. It seems that the boss doesn't even know that Shuai Lie Cangqiong is a guest officer's trumpet, but how did Sun Yi know it first, so he frowned and asked, "You are the first to know that Shuai Lie Cangqiong is a guest officer's trumpet?" Is it the number? How do you know?"

"Didn't I lack a holy grade refining material at the time? I couldn't buy it after squatting for a few days, and then I saw it at the stall of Shuai Cracking the Sky. Although it was twice the market price, I was in a hurry, so I bought it. Yes, later the guest officer told me privately that it was his trumpet, and asked me to talk to him about changing the price in private when I bought something in the future, and told me to keep his trumpet a secret. Who knew that Wu Jie saw it standing next to my computer. "After Sun Yi said this, he still felt a little suspenseful in his heart. If someone still knew about this, the identity of the nursery rhyme men's clothing master would be completely exposed.

If it wasn't because their boss was blocked last time, he wouldn't have said that Shuai Chuangqiong was a guest official.

Xiao Yijin asked them to keep his identity a secret, which meant that their identities also needed to be kept secret. Obviously they knew that the guest officer was a nursery rhyme, but they still had to pretend not to know, this feeling was really uncomfortable.

I don't know how their boss survived these days.

It was raining heavily outside the window, and after washing up, Nursery Rhyme climbed directly onto the bed.

The account Xiao Yijin logged into today is not his own, so what is his nickname?
Why did he hide it from himself...

Lying on the bed and thinking about things, the messages in the sect group kept ringing.

Tong Yao yawned and clicked to take a look. Seeing what everyone was chatting with, the corner of her mouth twitched slightly.

Altman Tiga: Damn, I heard that the handsome cracking sky is a beautiful woman!
Tears of Allure: Damn, I would have gone to the prom if I knew about it!
You Yun: You say she is a beautiful woman, so why don't you post photos?No picture no truth.

I use Rejoice to wash my hair: At that time, the mask was taken off for a while, but I didn’t get a picture. Anyway, I heard that plain makeup crushes everything.

Xinjiang Wu Yanzu: I was there at the time. I saw the tenderness of the whole life without makeup. It was too frightening. Compared with that handsome man who cracked the sky, one is an international luxury product, and the other is Pinduoduo 9.9 free shipping. You can make up your own mind.

(End of this chapter)

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