Chapter 224 Don't Give Me Gifts!
If Zhuang Xinyu posted it alone, her words would be quickly overwhelmed by other people's comments, but if there were too many people, someone would notice it.

Some of the fans felt uncomfortable being cheated, but now that they saw this, they immediately started to agree.

In fact, some people just followed the trend and came in to watch the excitement, and they didn't even know what happened.

But when they saw someone shouting to pay back the money, they started to follow suit and swear.

"That's right, you lied to us for so long, but now you don't come out to give an explanation, and you're still eating melon seeds! How can you put us fans in the eyes!"

"That's right, pay back the money! The money we tipped before, return it to us quickly!"

"How can someone like you be an anchor? You liar!"


Cursing was everywhere in the live broadcast room, and the nursery rhyme was still very pleasant, eating melon seeds.

Jiang Ya, who stood watching the bullet screen, stomped her feet angrily: "Miss, you just say something, let them continue to scold like this?"

Tong Yao turned off the microphone, then reached out and patted Jiang Ya's back lightly, "Jiang Ya, don't be angry, now is not the time, just wait."

Seeing Tong Yao's inscrutable appearance, Jiang Ya went back to her chair angrily.

Zhuang Xinyu in the live broadcast room saw that he had achieved the result he wanted, so he typed again: I have sent the real-name authentication page of the game that cannot be used by guest officials to the forum, and I also attached her student ID card, everyone hurry up to see it !

Shuijunmen copied Zhuang Xinyu's words and began to send them repeatedly, and then many people in the live broadcast room went to the forum.

When they saw nursery rhyme's student ID photo...

Everything is messed up.

Just when Zhuang Xinyu thought those people would start cursing nursery rhymes when they came back, the news of gifts being given in the live broadcast room continued to flood the screen...

Even the screen freezes...

Tong Yao himself didn't expect this situation, and immediately said: "Don't give me gifts, how many times have I told you, don't give me gifts!"

Jiang Ya rolled her eyes speechlessly, this is what she heard the most during the nursery rhyme live broadcast: Don't give me gifts!

Which anchor is like her...

But those people didn't listen at all, and continued to collect gifts, ships... planes... rings... took turns...

The scene got out of control for a while.

Zhuang Xinyu stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, completely unaware of what happened?

This is completely different from what she imagined...

Are these people crazy?
Under the bombardment of everyone's gifts, nursery rhymes climbed to the first place.

To tell the truth, she was frightened, and said quickly: "Everyone, I concealed my identity as a woman. It was indeed wrong. Here I apologize to all fans and friends. Secondly, regarding the issue of gift giving, those who want a refund Screenshot fans are worth coming to me, I will arrange..."

After the nursery rhyme finished speaking, he turned off the voice changer. He was ready to face it calmly anyway, so the voice changer was no longer needed.

She reached out to get a cup to drink water, but accidentally saw a word from the mysterious local tyrant.

I have a wife and you don't: "Everyone, if you want to get your money back, come to me, double the money."

Seeing this, the corner of Tong Yao's mouth twitched, and she immediately said, "No, just ask me, and I will refund everyone's money myself."

The nursery rhyme turned off the voice changer, speaking in the original voice, and many fans in the live broadcast room fell for it...

Xiao Yijin frowned even more displeased, the ugly girl turned off the voice changer, is she going to turn on the video next?
(End of this chapter)

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