The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 229 Liger, I'm Your Little Apprentice

Chapter 229 Liger, I'm Your Little Apprentice
"Fiancé?" Chen Qing couldn't help laughing, "Are you kidding me? My master is a freshman, how could he have a fiancé?"

Old Yu remembered the text message Xiao Yijin had sent him, so he said coldly: "Go to school and ask my lady if she has a boyfriend. I'm kind enough to remind you, otherwise I won't know when I was beaten."

After speaking, Lao Yu turned around, ran quickly to the side of the car, and opened the car door for Mr. Feng and Tong Yao.

Originally, Mr. Feng was dubious about what Xiao Yijin said, but when he came, he saw that the person in the photo was lingering around Tong Yao, so he believed it.

Seeing the car drive away, Chen Qing was even more irritable. A freshman, how could he look like eighteen or nineteen years old, how could he have a fiancé.

After thinking about it, he turned around and ran towards the teaching building, grabbed someone directly and asked, "Do you know nursery rhymes?"

The girl shook her head: "I don't know."

Then he stopped a boy again: "Do you know nursery rhymes?"

The boy nodded: "I know you, the goddess of our Aeronautical University."

Hearing this, Chen Qing directly asked, "Does Tong Yao have a boyfriend?"

"Yes, Senior Colonel Xiao, many people in the school know about it, why? You also like nursery rhymes? Then you are out of the game." After speaking, the boy left.

Chen Qing narrowed her eyes, who is this Colonel Xiao?

Besides, having a boyfriend is not the same as being a fiancé, even if it is a fiancé, it is not a husband.

He won't give up, and he still has to know Colonel Xiao.

On the way home, the more Tong Yao thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. After all, the old man's behavior today was really abnormal.

Moreover, he has a pretty good temper, so he wouldn't blow his beard and stare at the person he met for the first time, but he clearly didn't like the way he looked at Chen Qing just now.

After thinking about it, Tong Yao asked, "Grandpa, why did you come to school today?"

As soon as Mr. Feng mentioned this, he became angry, and immediately stretched out his finger to poke nursery rhyme's forehead: "You, you, you don't know if you are being targeted. If grandpa didn't show up, there might be something wrong. The rest of you Don't ask, anyway, you don't have class this afternoon, and you have class at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, so just stay at home honestly tonight."

"Oh." Seeing that the old man didn't want to say it, the nursery rhyme didn't ask.

Think of it as spending more time with the old man at home.

After lunch, the old man went out to the company because he had something to do. The nursery rhymes seemed boring, so he played games.

Since her identity was made public, the number of people who add friends every day is countless, so that her friends have reached the upper limit, and her private messages have been crowded recently.

And today, apart from some unread chat messages, there was actually a request for apprenticeship.

She hasn't accepted an apprentice for a long time, and it's okay to accept one for fun. She clicked on it and looked at it. It's a trumpet with only level [-], nicknamed: Little Fairy.

This looks like it should be a girl...

But it's not necessarily true. I'm a woman, so I don't have to pretend for so long...

Now that she accepts boys as apprentices, she is worried about encountering someone with bad intentions like Zero Illusion, so she wants to refuse after thinking about it.

Then the message flashed, she clicked on it, and it was a message from the little goblin: "Liger, just accept me, I am very good, I can take care of myself, you can take me to the book when you are free." That's it."


Many cute girls in the game are called Shifu and all of them are called Liger. It seems that this must be a girl. If any man talks like this, he should be disgusted to death.

Thinking of this, Tong Yao replied: "Come here to learn from the teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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