The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 258 From Little Short Hand's Last Struggle

Chapter 258 From Little Short Hand's Last Struggle
A man's shout came from behind the bush, Xiao Yijin stepped forward quickly, and found that there were actually several men behind the bush.

They have been hiding here for so long, and they did not appear by accident.

These men didn't expect Nursery Rhyme to be so vigilant, but now that they are discovered, they don't stop doing anything.

If you run away now, you won't get the money.

Thinking of this, Lao Ma stretched out his hand to wipe his bleeding forehead, gritted his teeth, and said, "Go!"

Several people rushed up from the grass at the same time, and the leader, the fourth child, was kicked over by Xiao Yijin, and then he turned his head to look at the nursery rhyme: "Ugly girl, run, you will be safe if you run out of the woods."

"Run? Why should I run?" Tong Yao stood there smiling sweetly, walking towards Xiao Yijin with a smile on her face.

In the confusion, Lao Ma covered Xiao Yijin's face with the towel sprayed with drugs.

But the next second...

The situation got a little awkward.

Lao Ma is only 162, facing Xiao Yijin's long arms of 188, he really has no advantage at all.

Xiao Yijin grabbed the old horse's neck at once, and then the old horse fluttered its short arms... Although there was a drug in his hand, he couldn't press it to Xiao Yijin's face.


Deep despair.

Lao Ma felt humiliated.

If the light were brighter, he could clearly see the disgust and contempt in Xiao Yijin's eyes, and the old horse should want to die even more.

"Hahahahaha..." Seeing the old horse's movements, Nursery Yao burst into laughter.

I thought that this kind of plot could only be seen on TV, but I never thought that this scene would actually be staged in front of me...

Fuck, it's so ridiculous.

Hearing the laughter of nursery rhymes, Xiao Yijin's expression eased a little, this little trash is still useful.

Can make ugly girls happy.

But it's one size fits all, if you dare to hit his mind on his head, this matter won't just be left alone.

After thumping for a long time, the old horse's towel still couldn't touch Xiao Yijin's face. What's even worse, his companion was actually watching a joke...

The old horse became angry and shouted: "What are you looking at! Grab that woman!"

Several people came back to their senses, and immediately rushed towards the nursery rhyme.

Seeing this, Xiao Yijin threw the old horse out as if throwing rubbish, trying to protect nursery rhyme.

But when he turned around just now, he only saw a movement of nursery rhymes, and then silently stretched out his arms and pulled up his sleeves to cover his face.

Nursery rhyme must bring anti-wolf spray with her. This is an upgraded version. She took out the spray and sprayed it on the oncoming people. The pungent gas made them lose their composure.

They haven't figured out the situation yet, Tong Yao directly pressed a few times on their faces.


I just feel that my eyes are hot and painful... It's fine to keep sneezing, and there's still snot in my nose...

They had never experienced that painful feeling.

The fourth child was in excruciating pain, his eyes kept crying... But the burning pain in his eyes didn't subside by half, he... he couldn't be blind, right?
Thinking of this possibility, the fourth child anxiously shouted: "You... what are you?"

Hearing the trembling voice of the fourth child, the nursery rhyme became interesting, "Tsk tsk tsk, poison... If you don't go to the hospital for surgery within two hours, your eyes will be useless, but even if it's an operation, you won't see it." It will be fine, because God will only take care of good people, for those shameless people who have evil intentions, not only will God not take care of them, but it is estimated that the sky will send a thunderbolt of justice on his head."

(End of this chapter)

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