Chapter 261 Shameless!
Zhuang Xinyu mixed in the crowd and walked slowly towards the north gate.

Hearing all kinds of speculation and discussions along the way, she almost couldn't hold back the excitement in her heart. The nursery rhymes were completely over, over.

From a distance, Zhuang Xinyu saw a police car parked by the edge of the grove, and a large crowd of students watching.

Among the crowd, Zhuang Xinyu saw Xiao Yijin from a distance.

No matter where he is, he is always the most outstanding one, able to easily attract people's attention.

Zhuang Xinyu adjusted her breathing and walked towards the crowd, but vaguely saw Xiao Yijin waving at her.

She looked around her in disbelief, he... Is he really calling herself?

Xiao Yijin had always dismissed her, why did she suddenly change her attitude towards him?

Is it because of nursery rhymes?

Thinking of this, Zhuang Xinyu quickly walked towards Xiao Yijin.

When she was only five or six meters away from Xiao Yijin, Zhuang Xinyu saw Xiao Yijin smiling at her.

Although he had a smile on his face, the smile didn't reach his eyes. His eyes made Zhuang Xinyu a little scared. She slowed down unconsciously, and finally stopped about three meters away from Xiao Yijin.

"Senior, you..." Before Zhuang Xinyu finished speaking, he caught a glimpse of a figure walking out of the crowd.

Then Zhuang Xinyu's face turned pale, and his body began to tremble.

Because the girl with a sweet smile is none other than a nursery rhyme.

At this time, Nursery Yao was neatly dressed and had a bright smile on her face. She didn't look like she had just been insulted.

She... she was cheated!
Realizing this fact, Zhuang Xinyu took a few steps back, turned around and was about to leave, but a nursery rhyme voice came from behind him: "Uncle policeman, she is Zhuang Xinyu, the fake police she reported!"

As soon as the nursery rhyme finished speaking, a policeman quickly ran up to Zhuang Xinyu and stopped her.

Zhuang Xinyu trembled in fear, and pretended to be pitiful and said to the policeman in front of him: "Little brother, why did you report a false police report? I don't know, I was just passing by here."

Hearing this, Nursery Rhyme said in a cold voice: "Zhuang Xinyu, don't you dare to act or act? The police want to know if you called the police, isn't that easy? Just check and you will know. "

"I called the police, but I didn't make a false report!" Zhuang Xinyu didn't expect to fall into the trap of the nursery rhyme again, but she couldn't admit it, because reporting a false report to the police would have to bear legal responsibility.

She would call the police at that time because she thought that the nursery rhyme had been insulted, but now it seems that the nursery rhyme is all right.

And when he sent a message to Xiao Yijin, he should have been with nursery rhyme. was these two people who conspired against him.

The police didn't take Zhuang Xinyu's example, and asked indifferently: "You said you didn't make a false report, so please repeat what you reported to the police."

"I..." Zhuang Xinyu bit her lip, looked at the nursery rhyme, then at Xiao Yijin, and finally lowered her head without saying a word.

A few seconds later, the lead police officer received a message, which was a call from a colleague to call the police.

He glanced at Zhuang Xinyu, and then dialed that number...

A few seconds later, Zhuang Xinyu's cell phone rang...

"Now I can be sure that the person who called the police was you. We rushed to the police after receiving the report, but when we arrived at the scene, we found that nothing happened. Therefore, it was you who reported the false police. Please come with us to the police station." The police officer Being stern and selfless, naturally he wouldn't talk nonsense with Zhuang Xinyu.

Hearing this, Zhuang Xinyu's body softened, and she almost collapsed in fright, "I mean it kindly, I heard nursery rhymes that something happened, and I want to save her!"

The corner of Tong Yao's mouth twitched, what the hell, how could there be such brazen people in the world?
(End of this chapter)

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