The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 268 I am a strong man and do not need to be protected

Chapter 268 I am a strong man and do not need to be protected
Chen Qing: "Master, how do you spend your weekend? I will accompany you."

Nursery rhyme: "Play a game."

Chen Qing was desperate in her heart, so she had no choice but to continue to ask: "Master, how do you spend Christmas? How about we go to see the ice sculptures?"

Nursery rhyme: "I'm not free, I want to play a game."

Chen Qingsheng has nothing to love, is this game really so charming?

Didn't you say that Master has a boyfriend?

During this festival, everyone stays playing games, which should be something only single dogs do.

Could it be that... Master has already broken up with that little Colonel Xiao?

Thinking of this, Chen Qing was overjoyed: "Master, how do you spend Valentine's Day?"

If the nursery rhyme doesn't come out even on Valentine's Day, it means that she is most likely single.

Tong Yao naturally sensed Chen Qing's intentions, thought for a long time, and lazily said: "Valentine's Day, play games with my fiancé."

Chen Qing said that she was violently attacked.

Although she is still playing games, she plays games with others.

At this moment, if Chen Qing is a little puzzled, who is this person surnamed Xiao?

Nursery rhyme is the number one big tit in Xianmeng Game, and the second legendary figure on the local rich list. Who is that person surnamed Xiao?

What ability does he have to become nursery rhyme's fiancé.

"What's your fiancé's nickname in the game? I'm going to PK with him. If he loses, it means that he is not qualified to protect you. In games, the weak are not worthy of love." Chen Qing is Qianying Shuiyue's warrior Power comes first, he is very confident in his combat power and operation.

That's why I dare to say such big words.

"I don't need to be protected, because I am strong." In a word, Chen Qing was directly KO.

According to Chen Qing, the weak are not worthy of love.

Then, in front of nursery rhymes, he is a weakling.

Because his combat strength is 7 less than Nursery Rhyme, even if he is facing PK, he has no chance of winning.

The aloof temperament of Tong Yao has a fatal attraction for Chen Qing.

In the past, the women he met in the game were either soft and cute loli, or female Chinese characters, or Yujie, but she was as fairy-like as nursery rhymes but extremely cold. never seen it.

Mainly because the sound is damn good too.

In the fairy dream game, there are beautiful women like clouds.

But this beauty has various levels.

Nursery rhymes without make-up can instantly kill one piece, it is really unique.

In class, Chen Qing has been soft-spoken about nursery rhymes, but nursery rhymes just ignore him.

After the first class, I observed it, and when the class was about to start, I suddenly got up, walked to a girl and said, "Hi, would you like to change places with me?"

The girl turned her head and saw Chen Qing behind her, and immediately ran away with the book in her arms, Tong Yao switched places with the girl.

The roots of the ears are finally clean.

Tong Yao lowered her head to look at her phone, opened WeChat, and found that the information in the sectarian chat group had exceeded a thousand.

Click to open it, just in time to see Altman sent a message.

Altman Tiga: Fuck, the new fashions to be released for Christmas are really beautiful.

You Yun: So what if the beauty is out of the sky?With the fighting strength of the two of us, there is no way to last ten rounds.

Shen Bao: That’s right, the rules obtained by this fucking are too perverted. This is a couple outfit. You have to be the champion of the ring for a week in a row to get that outfit. How the fuck can I beat it.

Tears of Allure: This dress is really beautiful...

Superman: Don't panic, a romantic couple can only receive a fashion once, there is a queue here, everyone still has a chance.


Seeing that everyone was so obsessed with the new fashion, Tong Yao turned up the pictures.

After just one glance, the nursery rhyme is fascinated.

Fuck, it's so pretty.

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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