Chapter 272 Who is not a child!

Zhuang Hua's and Zhuang Xinyu's expressions were not very good-looking.

There are not only recordings but also videos in Tong Yao's phone, and those people showed Tong Yao's chat records with them as evidence, so even though Zhuang Hua found someone, they still couldn't take Zhuang Xinyu away directly.

Looking at Zhuang Xinyu who was standing aside and not speaking, Zhuang Hua stepped forward and said, "Tongyao, this Xinyu is still a child, so don't be as knowledgeable as her. I will ask her to apologize to you and write a letter for you." Guarantee letter, I promise that I will not dare to do any bad things to you in the future, this time, will you forgive her?"

Before the nursery rhyme could speak, the old man on the side raised his beard and choked, "Child? My family's Yaoyao has just been born. Who is not a child? Your child is a child, but my precious granddaughter is not a child!"

Zhuang Hua: "..."

Mr. Feng was already quite prestigious in the business circle, he didn't dare to offend, and it was indeed Zhuang Xinyu who went too far this time, so he didn't even have the confidence to speak up.

The nursery rhyme stayed silent, Xiao Yijin's move was brilliant.

Sure enough, when Mr. Feng came, this Zhuang Hua was not an opponent at all.

Seeing that the atmosphere became extremely awkward, Tong Shuo said silently: "Yaoyao, Dad and your Uncle Zhuang are also business partners. Although this matter is not true, you have not been hurt, so forget it. "

What the fuck?

What do you mean if you don't suffer any harm?

Is this what a father should say?
"Uncle Tong, I didn't call the police, and I didn't send people to arrest me, so how to deal with this matter should be handed over to the police. Zhuang Xinyu called the police and arrested herself. She was fooled by herself. Tell me It doesn't matter at all." Tong Shuo had just finished playing the role of a loving father, and the nursery rhyme dismantled him, and his expression was also blue and purple, which was really beautiful.

"Hello, Chief!"

"Hello, Chief!"

Hearing the police officer's greeting from outside, Zhuang Xinyu had a smug smile on his face: "Tongyao, let me tell you, you can't beat me, my father and this Director Cai are good friends, so... don't care Whatever crime I have committed, I will be safe and sound."

As soon as Zhuang Xinyu finished speaking, he caught a glimpse of Director Cai walking in.

Mr. Feng turned his head, and Director Cai, who was originally proud, bent down in an instant: "Old company commander! Oh, old company commander! What kind of wind brought you here?"

Old... old company commander?
The nursery rhyme is a little confused. Is this the... not too big and not so small official that my grandfather once said?

Cough cough, her grandfather is really a bit unusual.

The person who wanted to die the most at this time was Zhuang Xinyu. Tonight her father said that Tong Yao was the sole heir of Feng's wine business, and she almost went crazy at that time.

But I didn't expect that this dead old man was actually an old company commander?
Why nursery rhymes are better than her, why!
Mr. Feng gave the person in front of him a disgusted look, and said proudly with his hands behind his back: "I don't even know that Director Cai is so capable that he can casually let go of a person who broke the law."

"Impossible, impossible. How could I do such a thing? You know that I always enforce the law impartially." Just after Director Cai finished speaking, Zhuang Hua's expression changed.

He didn't know that Mr. Feng would come tonight, and he didn't expect that Mr. Feng was actually Director Cai's old company commander...

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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