The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 284 Where's My Daughter-in-law?

Chapter 284 Where's My Daughter-in-law?

Xiaoliu: You said that you have been chasing him for so long but you still can't catch him. What's the point of your persistence?If you check someone's login address, you obviously can't find anyone. Besides, wouldn't it be better if you check it yourself?
Xiao Yijin: Shut up, there's so much nonsense, hurry up and check, 1000 yuan.

Koyanagi: It only takes 2 minutes.

Xiao Yijin: ...

If the computer configuration could keep up, he would have already done it himself, so would it be his turn to spend money to find this guy?

Nursery rhyme really never thought of meeting people in the game, and this one-inch lovesickness always gave her a very weird feeling.

He seemed to know everything about himself.

It's like being around her all the time.

Could it be...he is the person beside him?

Once this thought popped up, it couldn't be ignored by nursery rhymes.

Soon, Xiao Liu sent the address of the nursery rhyme.

Xiao Yijin looked at the address, then took his coat, got up and walked out. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Yu Ting and Xiao Yao standing sneakily at the door of his room.

He gave them a disgusted look: "What are you two doing?"

When the eavesdropping was discovered, Yu Ting felt a little guilty: "Well, where is my daughter-in-law?"

Xiao Yijin froze for a moment, then said expressionlessly: "I'm going to pick it up, Dad, the car keys."

"I can't give you the car keys. I'll ask Lao Zhang to take you there." Lao Zhang has always been Xiao Yijin's exclusive driver, so he will be where Xiao Yijin is.

Normally Xiao Yijin would definitely refuse, but he knew his driving skills well, and for the safety of Tong Yao's life, he agreed.

Xiao Yao called Lao Zhang, and Lao Zhang drove over soon.

The Internet cafe where Tong Yao is located is half an hour's drive away from home, so she should not leave so fast.

When passing by the flower shop, Xiao Yijin suddenly said, "Stop."

When Lao Zhang heard the car on the side of the road, Xiao Yijin opened the car door and walked in. After a while, he walked out with a large bouquet of pink roses.

He took out his mobile phone, snapped several photos, and Lao Zhang put the mobile phone away as if nothing had happened.

It seems that their young master is going to confess his love.

Holding the flowers and getting into the car, Lao Zhang hesitated to speak several times.

Xiao Yijin said with disgust, "Say what you want to say."

Hearing this, Lao Zhang said slowly: "Master, your flowers are very beautiful, but I don't think Ms. Tong may like them."

Glancing at the words put aside, Xiao Yijin frowned slightly: "But she might not like those jewels either."

"Master, Ms. Tong is a very unique girl. She likes things that are different from ordinary girls." Old Zhang was really worried. His young master had already tried his best to chase after Ms. Tong. He looked anxiously from the sidelines.

But Miss Tong is so good, if she is so easy to catch up with, then the young master won't like her.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Yijin felt that what Lao Zhang said was also reasonable, but he couldn't go to see nursery rhymes empty-handed, so he could only buy flowers on the side of the road.

Tonight, he was very flustered, always thinking that something would happen if he didn't see her.

It was the first time he had such a feeling in his heart when he grew up so big, which made him feel very at a loss.

And he didn't have time to think about...

The car finally stopped at the door of Sunny Internet Cafe, and Xiao Yijin walked over with the bouquet of flowers.

After walking a few steps, I saw nursery rhyme coming out of the door.

Xiao Yijin was about to walk over, but saw a boy walking towards Tong Yao, he helped Tong Yao carry the bag, and was still smiling and talking to her.

With a cold look in his eyes, he turned around, and Xiao Yijin threw the flower into the trash can.

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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