Chapter 286 I Like Her
No, ugly girl, how many male girlfriends do you have?
The Ferrari kid before was already very unpleasant to him, and now there is another one...

What the hell.

"Ugly girl, tell me, how many good male friends do you have?" Xiao Yijin said these words coolly, the sour taste in those words made Qiao Fan gently sniff his nose, why does it feel that the air is so sour Woolen cloth……

Tong Yao glanced at Xiao Yijin coldly: "Anyway, there are not as many white lotus and small green teas around you."

After the words fell, Tong Yao felt that her tone seemed wrong, why did she feel like she was being angry, ah bah, what was she talking about.

"Pfft." Qiao Fan couldn't help laughing, "Yaoyao, you are still as straightforward as before, well, it's rare for you to come back, let's go to eat first, and let's put it down if there is something unhappy one time."

After speaking, Qiao Fan walked over and opened the car door.

Xiao Yijin narrowed her eyes... Lamborghini?
Heh, it seems that none of the men beside the ugly girl are good.

Seeing Tong Yao get into the car, Xiao Yijin took advantage of the opportunity and sat beside Tong Yao, closing the door casually, as if she was the most amiable owner of the car.

Qiao Fan and Du Chuan treated nursery rhymes as younger sisters since they were young, and they didn't have any other thoughts at all. Seeing Xiao Yijin like this, Qiao Fan only found it a little funny.

In the rumors, Second Young Master Xiao was arrogant and defiant all his life, but now it seems that he is nothing more than a fool soaked in vinegar.

The three of them went to the restaurant to eat together, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

When Tong Yao went to the bathroom, Qiao Fan immediately said to Xiao Yijin, "I'm telling you, if you want to chase Yao Yao, you need to spend more time thinking about it. You must not send roses, she hates roses ..."

Hate... roses?
Xiao Yijin suddenly remembered the bouquet of flowers that she threw away in anger, but luckily she didn't send it out.

Stopping the chopsticks, Xiao Yijin wiped her mouth with a tissue, turned to look at Qiao Fan and asked, "Do you know what happened to the ugly girl when she was a child?"

"Understood. When I moved to Tong's house, I was still a little girl. I just went to kindergarten. Yaoyao looked like a doll when I was a child. Many parents in the community liked it..."

"Yang Ying's vicious woman locked Yaoyao out of the house several times in heavy snow. Once she was so cold that she fainted. When my mother saw her when she came home, she took her home. Anyway, she often Being abused, Tong Manlin used to be jealous of Yaoyao's good looks, and even scratched Yaoyao's face, but luckily there was no scar in the end, otherwise it would be disfigured..."

Listening to Qiao Fan talking about those past events, Xiao Yijin's heart ached.

It hurts to think about such a small child being locked up in a world of ice and snow.

"Then what do you know about Yaoyao's mother, Feng Ran?" Xiao Yijin didn't want to know about Feng Ran's past, he just vaguely felt that what Grandpa said to the ugly girl tonight should be related to Feng Ran.

After all, it was the first time Grandpa saw the ugly girl, if there was anything that could make her lose control of her emotions, Feng Ran should be the only one.

Speaking of Feng Ran, Qiao Fan frowned: "I don't know, I know this very well. Today I also met Yaoyao in an Internet cafe by chance. There is no atmosphere playing games at home. I made an appointment with a few buddies. Playing games, who knew that I saw Yaoyao just after I turned on the phone and went in. To be honest, your reputation was not very good before. If you don’t like Yaoyao, then you should stay away from her. I have suffered enough, and I don't want her to suffer any more."

Hearing this, Xiao Yijin gently turned the wine glass on the table with her hand, and replied lightly: "I like her, and I will give everything I have and give her everything she wants."

(End of this chapter)

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