Chapter 297 Let's Get Married

Moreover, his voice sounded a little anxious.

But judging from the stupid things that Xiao Yijin had done before, it must be nothing good for him to knock on the door in the middle of the night.

So, just leave the door open.

Yawning, Tong Yao saw that there were many unread announcements in the notification column, so she clicked to take a look. When she saw a message about the Christmas event, she sat up straight and leaned in front of the screen.

Only those who have been married for more than seven days can participate in the Christmas Love Challenge.

seven days?

What the fuck?

She's been a little busy these days, so she didn't read the announcement carefully, and almost missed it...

Nursery rhyme opened the calendar and looked at it. There are only eight days until Christmas.

So she must find love tomorrow, otherwise she will not be able to participate in the competition!
Game official is this crazy or something?
Such a perverted request came out of nowhere!

This means that her next secret marriage cannot fail, it must succeed.

Who will be successful in marrying? inch of lovesickness?
Thinking about it, Tong Yao's face wrinkled into a bitter face.

"Tong Yao, open the door for me." Xiao Yijin patted on the door for a long time, but Tong Yao ignored him, he was shivering from the cold, almost unable to stand.

It was snowing outside, the roof of the building was very windy, and the temperature in the early morning was extremely low, but after standing for a while, Xiao Yijin felt that his hands and feet were about to lose consciousness.

"Damn girl, wait for me." Xiao Yijin cursed, then turned and entered the room, ready to call the hotel manager to come and open the door.

Walking to the computer desk to pick up the phone, he caught a glimpse of the chat dialog box between him and Tong Yao flashing.

He bent down and reached out to click on the message, and saw this message.

The guest officer can't: "Let's get married."

Xiao Yijin suspected that she had read it wrong, so she sat down and read the information carefully.

After working hard for so long, she finally agreed!
Damn it, it seems that the additional terms discussed with Xiao Yan a few days ago are really useful!
One step closer to his goal!
As long as the ugly girl married him in the game, and as soon as they met, the ugly girl would be in love with him, and then he could tell her about his condition.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yijin couldn't help but feel happy.

The more I think about it, the more excited I get.

"Ah!!! yes! yes!" Xiao Yijin shouted excitedly in the room.

How should he respond?Should I just say it directly?

Or should it be more tactful?It's too direct, shouldn't it scare people away?

Listening to his terrifying shout, Tong Yao turned her head to look at the wall... with a dazed expression.

Did Xiao Yijin not take his medicine tonight?
He came running to knock on the door for a while, and yelled like crazy for a while. Is there something wrong with his brain?

Fortunately, the door was not opened. If the door was opened, maybe he would come in and go crazy.

"Ding dong." The game chat message rang, and nursery rhyme shifted his gaze to the computer screen.

Yicun Acacia: "Marry? Why do we want to get married?"

"Cut." Seeing this message, Tong Yao felt extremely disgusted. This inch Xiangsi had been talking about marrying her every day before, but now that she said she wanted to get married, he still reacted like this.

If it weren't for the reward of the Christmas love ring, she would never want to get married.

Furthermore, if she could marry her trumpet, even if she was killed, she wouldn't want to marry someone else.

Choosing Yicun Acacia is a bad idea, a helpless move.

(End of this chapter)

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