The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 299 Did You Get Drunk Last Night?

Chapter 299 Did You Get Drunk Last Night?
Reaching out to scratch her hair, Tong Yao sat up, found Xiao Yijin's phone number, and sent him a text message: "You arranged the Christmas party?"

Before exiting the SMS page, Xiao Yijin's message came back: "Well, are you happy?"

Nursery rhyme: "Happy you big-headed ghost, I won't go, you can sing by yourself when the time comes."

Xiao Yijin: "Tsk tsk, I originally thought that if you agreed to perform with me, then I would give you a surprise about the Xianmeng game. It seems that you don't want to look like you."

When it comes to other nursery rhymes, I may not be interested, but when it comes to things about games, nursery rhymes are exciting.

Although she knew that Xiao Yijin was playing tricks on her, everything in the Xianmeng game was fatally attractive to her.

But she had to control it now, so she couldn't be led by Xiao Yijin, so she typed: "Miss Ben's appearance fee is very expensive, if you want me to sing, then I have to consider whether the reward is worth it. "

Xiao Yijin: "Then let's meet and talk."

Tong Yao pouted: "Okay, where will I see you?"

Xiao Yijin: "You pack it up and go out. I'll wait for you in the garden and have dinner together."

Is it the garden outside the room?

After much deliberation, this is the only possibility.

But last night it snowed heavily and it was freezing outside, so Tong Yao was really worried that he would not be able to hold his chopsticks if he wanted to eat outside.

After washing up, Nursery Rhyme puts herself in full gear.

Just show a pair of eyes.

Pushing open the door and going out, the sky is still dark and the snow has stopped.

In a small pavilion not far away, a tall and slender figure was busy working.

Seeing nursery rhyme coming out, Xiao Yijin waved to her: "Come here."

Nursery rhyme wrapped her clothes tightly and walked over. The snow at the door of her room was thoughtfully removed, and the water in the swimming pool next to her was completely frozen, which looked really beautiful.

Walking into the pavilion, Tong Yao realized that there was a hot pot on the table, and there was heating under the table, so it would not be cold after sitting down.

Thinking of Xiao Yijin's strange cry last night, Tong Yao asked curiously: "Xiao Yijin, did you go crazy with alcohol last night?"

Xiao Yijin paused slightly with the hand holding the chopsticks, and glanced sideways at Tong Yao, only to find that the girl's eyes were extremely serious.

She heard herself yelling last night so she thinks he drank too much...

But this is also a reasonable explanation, he can't say that he was yelling happily because the conspiracy succeeded.

So they nodded in agreement: "Yes, I drank too much."

After getting the answer, Tong Yao nodded, picked up the chopsticks and began to boil the mutton: "You should drink less wine in the future, it's freezing, if you accidentally fall and faint, you might be frozen to death."

Xiao Yijin: "..."

Although this girl seems to care about him, why does this concern sound weird.

The two ate quietly, and after a while Xiao Yijin said, "Isn't Xianmeng game about to open a new map? New plot and new NPC, do you want to be an NPC in the game?"

"Me? NPC? Can I do it?" I have to say that Tong Yao was frightened. In the Xianmeng game, only CEO Xiao Yan became an NPC. Can she... also become a game NPC?
No player has ever been able to become an NPC!

This is too unreal, right?
Looking at Tong Yao's blank expression, Xiao Yijin's eyes were full of tenderness: "As long as you want, I will give you everything I can to satisfy you."

(End of this chapter)

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