Chapter 302 Sister Ting's Xiaojiujiu
After saying that, Yu Ting looked at the hotel address sent by Qin Yiyi, and then she was happy: "My husband, this is our hotel. I already have a perfect plan."

Seeing Yu Ting's excited appearance, Xiao Yao twitched the corner of his mouth slightly: "As you go, as you go."

At the same time, Xiao Yijin was still shivering while sitting on a chair in wet clothes.

The scene he just saw kept flashing through his mind, causing the temperature on his body to continue to rise.

The twenty minutes of waiting for the nursery rhyme to take a bath seemed as long as a century.

Finally, the sound of water in the bathroom stopped.

The door not far away opened slowly, and Tong Yao walked out in a nightgown.

Her face was a little red from the heat, and she looked pink and tender, which was very attractive.

The nightgown was a bit long, and only a small half of her calf was exposed. Although the skirt was loose, it was surprisingly sexy on her body. She wiped her hair with a towel while walking, which was an extremely common movement, but Xiao Yijin noticed Unusual taste.

Xiao Yijin once again saw the picture he just entered the door, so as not to be caught by the nursery rhyme, Xiao Yijin averted his gaze, took out his mobile phone and sat aside, staring at the mobile phone for a long time, but the words on the mobile phone were only one word None of them looked into it.

"Ah Choo!" A sneeze broke the awkward atmosphere between the two.

Tong Yao took a hurried coat and put it on her body, then walked to the computer and sat down and asked, "You can call the front desk and ask them to send you an umbrella and open the door for you. The hotel staff has a universal key card." .”

The subtext is, you can go.

After finally having a chance to be alone with Tong Yao, how could he leave.

Hesitatingly walking to the phone, Xiao Yijin just reached out to make a call, and then found that the lights in the room were all dark.

Tong Yao was startled, "The power went out."

"Hmm..." Xiao Yijin felt a little strange at this moment, this hotel has never had a power outage, why did it suddenly go out?

It was only two o'clock in the afternoon, but the sky outside was as dark as night.

The phone in the room is a wired landline, even if there is a power outage, you can still make calls. Being stared at by the nursery rhyme like this, Xiao Yijin couldn't do it if she wanted to, so she had to honestly call the front desk.

Who knew... the phone was busy all the time, and I couldn't get through at all.

Xiao Yijin turned her head to look at Tong Yao, and said weakly, "This landline... seems to be broken."

"Broken? How could it be? I still called yesterday." Tong Yao got up and walked towards this side, lowered her head and dialed the front desk number, but found that it was indeed impossible.

The faint fragrance from her body reached Xiao Yijin's nose, making his heart beat faster.

"I remember that the landline can be used after a power outage. It's really strange." Nursery rhyme chanted and walked back, but before going a few steps, Xiao Yijin grabbed her hand.

Tong Yao turned her head abruptly, and quickly freed her hand: "What are you doing?"

"Yaoyao, don't be so busy, you will never get this call." His voice was a little hoarse, and the nursery rhyme could tell that he was very sad.

And...he actually called himself, Yaoyao...

Turning around, Tong Yao gently pulled her hand out of his, and then reached out to press his forehead. After touching her, she quickly retracted her hand: "You have a fever."

"I don't, I don't have a fever." After Xiao Yijin said this, he stood up, bypassed the nursery rhyme and went into the bathroom.

A few seconds later, the sound of water in the bathroom came out.

Listening to the sound of water, Nursery Rhyme seemed to smell danger. This lonely man and widow are in the same room, and the situation is not good.

(End of this chapter)

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