Chapter 313 The Ugly Girl Blushes
Jiang Ya: Nursery rhyme, you are angry.

Nursery rhyme was taken aback: Angry?What am I mad about?

Jiang Ya who was lying in the dormitory was really stunned. Her little fairy was good everywhere, but she was too slow emotionally.

Jiang Ya: Because Xiao Dashen doesn't care about your marriage, so you are angry. When you got married, didn't you expect Colonel Xiao to snatch the marriage?
Looking forward to Xiao Yijin coming to snatch a kiss?

The nursery rhyme was silent, and when the sedan chair passed by the area for snatching the bride, it really seemed that such a thought flashed by...

It's just that she didn't care at the time.

I feel inexplicably unhappy tonight.

Is it because he doesn't care?
But it cannot be denied that when they passed through the snatching area in the game, she... was expecting him to appear in her heart.

Jiang Ya: Nursery rhyme, you... like Colonel Xiao.

Do you like... him?
Tong Yao looked away from the phone and looked at Xiao Yijin.

The moment she raised her head, she happened to meet his gentle eyes.

He... When did he wake up, how long did he look at himself?
Thinking of Jiang Ya's words just now, Tong Yao's face turned red uncontrollably...

"Ugly girl, have a fever too?" Seeing that the nursery rhyme's face was so red, someone Xiao jumped out.

As calm as a nursery rhyme, she was a little flustered at this time, she turned off WeChat and stood up, "No, it's fine if you wake up, I'll go first."

Tong Yao's abnormal behavior made Xiao Yijin's eyes narrow, and he reached out and grabbed Tong Yao's hand: "Don't go, stay with me."

"Old Zhang will accompany you, I'll go first." Tong Yao insisted on leaving, but Xiao Yijin refused to let go.

If he read it right, the ugly girl blushed, but why was she blushing?What was she talking to someone just now?
"Do you think Lao Zhang...will come back?" Xiao Yijin just finished speaking, and Tong Yao was stunned.

Lao Zhang was a person who was in collusion with Xiao Yijin.

It probably might seem as though... not coming back.

"Miss, you are the patient's family member, right? Please go and get the patient's test report, on the third floor." The nurse opened the door and said something, then... left.

As soon as she came in, she saw the two holding hands, so she naturally felt that they were a couple.

Tong Yao turned to look at Xiao Yijin, Xiao Yijin winked at Tong pitifully, and coughed twice pretending to be weak.

Seeing his playful appearance, Tong Yao gave him a disgusted look, turned around and walked out: "I'll get you the test report, you have something to ring."

Xiao grinned: "Okay, and what's more, I'm hungry."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

If it wasn't for the fact that he was a patient, she would really be too lazy to talk to him.

Xiao, who was lying on the bed, watched the nursery rhyme leave, took out his mobile phone and called Lao Zhang.

Old Zhang: "Master, are you awake?"

Xiao Yijin: "Don't tell Sister Ting and my dad about my illness."

Old Zhang: "I know, I didn't say anything."

Xiao Yijin: "How is my grandpa?"

Speaking of this, Lao Zhang paused, "The old man is actually fine, he just wanted to see Miss Tong, so he lied about being seriously ill to trick you back."

Xiao Yijin: "..."

Grandpa didn't know what he was talking about with the ugly girl that day, and the two of them kept silent, which really made him a little concerned.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Yijin turned to WeChat and sent a message to Xiao Yan: On Christmas night, I'm going to call a team in the company's technical department.

Xiao Yan: What are you doing?
Xiao Yijin: Confession.

(End of this chapter)

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