Chapter 315 Yaoyao, I Really Like You
After eating, Tong Yao packed up her things. Xiao Yijin's fever hadn't subsided, so she fell asleep again in a daze.

After eleven o'clock, the nurse came to help Xiao Yijin pull out the needle.

Tong Yao found Lao Zhang's business card and sent him a message: "Old Zhang, I'm going back first, Xiao Yijin has fallen asleep."

After sending the message, Tong Yao was about to leave when he heard what Xiao Yijin seemed to be saying.

She turned around and saw that his lips seemed to be moving.

As for what to say, I didn't hear clearly.

Bending down to listen carefully, I heard him say: "Yaoyao, I like you... really... like you so much..."

Tong Yao straightened up, her heart pounding.

She straightened up, closed the door and walked out quickly.

After she left, Xiao opened his closed eyes slightly, with a slight smile in his eyes, and there were some words that he still didn't dare to say in person.

Walking on the road, Tong Yao was a little absent-minded.

Xiao Yijin... actually called her in a dream...

What did he dream about himself?

Dreaming... Are you confessing your love?
Jiang Ya said that she fell in love with Xiao Yijin, but was that really liking?

Can't figure it out.

Tong Yao reached out and scratched her hair irritably, the most troublesome thing was feelings.

Is it because the game is not fun or you can’t sleep well, why do you want to fall in love?

It was already past twelve o'clock when Tong Yao arrived at the hotel.

The elevator reached the top floor, and just as she took a step out, she saw Qin Yiyi standing in the garden on the roof.

She stood on the flower bed, looking down at the nursery rhyme.

There was a trace of disdain in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Miss Tong, where did you go at night?"

"Where do I go, do you care?" After tossing and tossing for so long, Nursery Rhyme is also tired, and doesn't want to waste time with women.

But Qin Yiyi didn't intend to let go of the nursery rhyme at all, and continued to follow up and said, "Do you have time? I want to talk to you."

Tong Yao opened the door and walked in, directly refusing: "I have time, but I don't want to talk to you."

After the words fell, Tong Yao immediately slammed the door shut.

Qin Yiyi stood at the door, clenched her fists tightly, stared at the door in front of her for a long time, and finally gritted her teeth and left.

At night, Xiao Yijin had a dream.

Dreaming that he married Tong Yao, and she was wearing a wedding dress, as beautiful as a fairy.

Just as he and Tong Yao were preparing for the bridal chamber, a discordant voice came from his ear.

"Master, wake up, master..." Lao Zhang was like a repeater, repeating those words all the time...

Xiao Yijin opened her eyes, and the murderous look in her eyes made Lao Zhang retreat silently.

Although their young master is indeed angry about getting up, but...

This look is too scary, right?
At this time, someone Xiao wanted to kick Lao Zhang to death, he was about to have a bridal chamber with an ugly girl, and it was only a little bit short, and Lao Zhang woke him up...

It's really that close...

Old Zhang: "That...young master, Miss Tong has returned to school."

Hearing this, Xiao Yijin said angrily, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

Old Zhang: "Miss Tong called me in the morning and said she didn't want to wake you up and let you sleep a little longer. I found a serious piece of information at the airport where I took her to."

Hearing that it was nursery rhymes that made him sleep a little longer, Xiao's anger suddenly dissipated, "What information?"

Seeing that Xiao Yijin's expression softened, Lao Zhang went on to say: "When I was sending Miss Tong to the airport, I heard someone call her and someone wanted to pick her up, and then they were going to have dinner together. It seems that Miss Tong Still looking happy."

Xiao Yijin: "Male or female?"

Old Zhang: "I don't know..."

(End of this chapter)

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