Chapter 332 My Heart Is All About You
"Tong...nursery''s you!" Qin Yiyi is not stupid, after seeing the nursery rhyme, she naturally reflected what happened today.

It's just that she didn't expect Tong Yao to be so ruthless in her actions, "Tong Yao, you pretended to be harmless in front of Brother Xiao, and then did such insane things behind your back! You are really vicious!"

"I'm vicious? When you gave the box with snakes to that homeless man, why didn't you feel that you were insane? The snakes here are indeed bigger and there are more, but they can't get out, not like the ones in that box." The snake will come out and bite me at any moment." After Tong Yao finished speaking, Qin Yiyi's face changed suddenly.

She did this so covertly, why did the nursery rhyme be found out?
Looking at Qin Yiyi's dodging eyes, Tong Yao said coldly again: "If you want people to know unless you can do nothing, today is a lesson for you. If you dare to make any crooked ideas next time, then next time you may be wrong." Really fell into the snake's den."

After finishing speaking, Tong Yao turned around and left. Before she could take a few steps, Qin Yiyi behind her suddenly shouted: "Tong Yao, do you think brother Xiao really likes you? She just uses you as a stand-in, just because you grow up It's very similar to that girl, that's why she treats you so well."

Hearing this, Tong Yao's footsteps paused slightly.


Seeing that the nursery rhyme stopped, Qin Yiyi went on to say: "What are you so proud of? You are destined to be just a shadow in this life, just a substitute. Brother Xiao has a lot of pictures of that girl on his home computer. He didn't There is no way to get that girl, so I found you who is similar to that girl as a substitute."

Xiao Yijin, who was standing in the dark, heard this and ran out quickly: "Ugly girl, don't listen to her nonsense, you are the only girl I like, and you are not anyone's substitute at all."

Seeing Xiao Yijin come out, Qin Yiyi was even more furious. It turned out that Xiao Yijin also knew about the nursery rhyme.

And he still bullied himself like this by the nursery rhyme.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, Qin Yiyi ran over and said loudly: "Brother Xiao, don't lie to her anymore, Xiao Zihan told me that you have a lot of photos of a girl in your computer, and you don't allow others to see them, so you just Admit it, you don't like nursery rhymes that much at all!"

Xiao Yijin really convinced Xiao Zihan at this moment, she had to tell this woman, Qin Yiyi, everything.

Seeing Tong Yao's face darken, Xiao Yijin walked over and took her hand.

Tong Yao shook his hand away and turned to leave.

Qin Yiyi showed a sinister smile at the corner of her mouth when she saw this, but after hearing Xiao Yijin's next words, the smile on her face froze in an instant.

Xiao Yijin was about to confess her love right away, but Xiao Yijin didn't want to make any mistakes, so she walked up to Nursery Rhyme to block her, and said softly: "Stupid girl, I don't have any other women, you are all in my mind and heart, just Even the dream is you, the girl on the also you."

"You're lying!" Qin Yiyi yelled in disbelief, Xiao Yijin must be lying, that could it be a nursery rhyme...

Naturally, I don't believe nursery rhymes, there is no such thing as a coincidence.

The word "substitute" was like a knife inserted into Nursery Rhyme's heart, which made her feel a little depressed for no reason.

Seeing that Tong Yao's expression was not right, Xiao Yijin became anxious, grabbed Tong Yao's hand and said, "Stupid girl, trust me."

(End of this chapter)

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