The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 338 Stupid to the depths, naturally cute

Chapter 338 Stupid to the depths, naturally cute

It's Yun Zilei, this lunatic, what does he want to do?
Xiao Yijin turned off her phone and put it aside, but turned her face to see Tong Yao looking at him.

Only then did Xiao realize that what he did just now was a bit extreme. He didn't want Tong Yao to know about it, and he didn't want to cause her more trouble.

It's just... but I don't know how to explain it.

Seeing that Xiao Yijin hesitated for a long time before saying anything, Tong Yao turned her head slightly: "It's okay, you don't need to explain to me, everyone has their own secrets, let's continue practicing songs."

"Stupid girl, thank you." Xiao Yijin said softly and began to play the piano.

Tong Yao frowned in displeasure, "Xiao Yijin, can't you call me by my name normally? You used to be an ugly girl, but now you're a stupid girl again. How can I be stupid?"

Mr. Xiao paused lightly with his hand, but he didn't expect Tongyao to have such a big opinion on this new name. He tilted his head to read Nurseryyyy for a few seconds, and said coldly: "I read it on the Internet before. To a poem, I think it is very appropriate to describe you."

"What poem?" Although Tong Yao didn't think Xiao Yijin could say anything good, she still felt a little bit of curiosity in her heart.

Staring at the nursery rhyme's big eyes for a long time, Xiao Yijin let out a low laugh: "If you stay in the house for a long time, you will be naturally dumb, and you will be cute when you stay deep. If you are cute to the limit, you can easily marry. Marry with others and continue to stay in the house."

Tong Yao stretched out his hand and slapped: "Get lost!"


"Hahaha..." Xiao Yijin burst into laughter, and continued, "There is another sentence that is so stupid that it is so cute."

"You're so stupid, I'm so smart!" Nursery rhyme was so angry that she swears directly, but Xiao Yijin said seriously: "My wife is cute, even swearing and swearing is so cute!"

Nursery rhyme: "Get out, who is your wife!"

She felt like she was about to explode if she stayed here for a minute longer.

Xiao Yijin has recently practiced shamelessness to the extreme, and said directly with a smile: "You were my wife when you were still in our mother's womb, don't deny it, you were kissed by me right after you were born. gone."

Our mother?

"That's my mother!" Tong Yao was startled by Xiao Yijin's shameless attitude, and stood up directly: "No more practice, I'm leaving."

Seeing that the nursery rhyme was about to leave, Xiao immediately raised his hand to admit his mistake: "Ugly girl, I was wrong, I was just joking, I am stupid, I am stupid, let's rehearse well, you like this song so much, and you don't want to perform it Break down?"

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

If it wasn't for the smooth performance, she really didn't want to stay here for a minute.

Xiao Yijin thought it was rare to see Nursery Yao's angry appearance, and she was always cool and cold when she usually saw her. At this time, she stared at him with a small face the size of a palm, and her small mouth looked really a little seductive...

But in order not to be afraid of the nursery rhyme, he must restrain himself now, restrain himself.

After adjusting their emotions, the two began to formally rehearse.

The tacit understanding between the two is very high, and the rehearsal is also very smooth.

By the time they rested, it was already dark outside.

Stretching, Tong Yao stood up, "I should go back."

Xiao Yijin got up and said, "Let's go after dinner, you've worked hard today, I'll cook for you."

Thinking of Xiao Yijin's cooking skills, Tong Yao couldn't move anymore. Compared with the food in the cafeteria, Xiao Yijin's cooking really suited her taste.

(End of this chapter)

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