Chapter 343 Shivering
The Christmas party is on Saturday, and the rehearsal begins on Friday night.

The stage is actually not an indoor performance hall, but on the track and field. It looks like the choreography is very high-end. The temperature outside is a bit low, and Nursery Rhyme is shivering in a down jacket.

Her program is relatively late, so it will take a while before her turn.

Zhuang Xinyu also sang ancient songs this time. When she went up to the rehearsal, she glanced at Nursery Yao provocatively. Nursery Yao yawned lazily and ignored her.

"It's so cold outside, why don't you even wear a hat?" Xiao Yijin's voice came from behind, and when Nursery Rhyme turned her head, a hat was already on her head.

Xiao Yijin's temperature still remained on that hat, and everyone around them smiled meaningfully at the two of them.

Tong Yao felt a little embarrassed and wanted to return the hat to him.

Who knew that Xiao Yijin's big hand was directly on the top of her head, "Wear it well, and be careful not to catch a cold."

"Senior, it's time for your rehearsal!" A girl yelled this way, and Xiao Yijin and Tong Yao walked over.

The junior looked at the two of them, and suddenly covered her mouth in surprise: "Oh, senior, are you two here to torture dogs? You even came here in couple outfits."

Hearing this, Tong Yao was slightly taken aback, turned her head to look at Xiao Yijin's clothes, only to realize...they were indeed wearing the same style.

Her grandfather bought her clothes, Xiao Yijin...he deliberately bought the same clothes as himself...

This sinister guy.

"Senior, haven't you given me your song accompaniment yet?" A boy came over and whispered.

"I don't need it today. Let's go through a formality and keep a little sense of mystery. We will be amazed tomorrow, girl, are you right?" Xiao Yijin's "girl" successfully made the girl next to her tremble again and again.

From now on, if anyone tells her that Xiao Yijin can't flirt with girls, she will scold them.

With just one look and one word, she fell into the trap, okay?
The two went on stage for a cutscene, and Xiao Yijin's eyes never moved away from Tong Yao.

A gust of wind blew, and the cold wind blew into the neck, Tong Yao couldn't help shaking.

Feeling her movement, Xiao Yijin turned around and wrapped the nursery rhyme in her arms with her long down jacket, and said in a low voice, "Don't move, or I'll kiss you."

Can't this guy have some new moves?This has been used more than once.

Just know to threaten her.

Those who do things in front of the public all day long are rogues.

Tong Yao was pushing Xiao Yijin's hand harder, and then found that it was useless, someone hugged her too tightly.

She raised her head and found that someone was looking at her with a half-smile, with a slight smile in her eyes: "Don't believe me? Why don't you try it?"

"Ahhhhh! My god!" Several girls in the audience screamed, and Xiao Yijin's eyes were so sullen...

As bystanders, they could hardly bear it.

But nursery rhymes...

Actually... actually stepping on Xiao Yijin's feet, what kind of relationship do these two people have...

Zhuang Xinyu stood on the stage and looked at the two hugging each other, feeling a little uncomfortable.

She didn't understand why Xiao Yijin could endure nursery rhyme marrying someone else in the game, and that man was arguing every day to send nursery rhyme thousands of miles away.

Does he really not care at all?

She saw it in the game, tomorrow, Yicun Xiangsi will come to the school to send the nursery rhyme thousands of miles away.

At that time, she would like to see how the nursery rhyme was explained to Xiao Yijin!
(End of this chapter)

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