Chapter 360 I am Xiao Xiaobao

What the fuck?

In broad daylight, there are still hooligans?
So blatant?
She broke into the self-study room and disturbed the other students, who all cast strange glances at her.

Seeing this, Tong Yao bent over in embarrassment and whispered, "I'm sorry everyone, I'm leaving now, I'm leaving now."

They say go, but nursery rhymes don't go away.

That pervert is outside. If she goes out, she will definitely not be able to beat him.

There were a lot of people in the study room, so he wouldn't come in and arrest himself.

Thinking of this, Tong Yao walked quickly to the back of the classroom, sat in the last row, and sent a text message to Xiao Yijin: "I met a very wretched hooligan on the way to the bathroom, I am in the study room next to the bathroom, come here Give it a go."

Sitting in the classroom, Xiao Yijin was reading a book, and then received a text message from the nursery rhyme.

Very wretched hooligan?
Xiao Yijin got up and ran out quickly, and saw Yun Zilei standing in the aisle from a distance.

Seeing him coming, Yun Zilei turned around and went down the stairs.

Seeing that the person outside the window had disappeared, Tong Yao went out, and just as she went out, she heard a shout: "Yun Zilei, stop!"

Yun Zilei?
Is this the only son of the Yunfeng Group that Xiao Yijin mentioned earlier?The tyrannical one?

But why did he suddenly stare at him?
Before the nursery rhyme could figure it out, she saw Xiao Yijin chasing Yun Zilei and running out from the first floor!
Yun Zilei was also a little speechless at this time, he never expected that Xiao Yijin would still be chasing after him.

Finally running outside the school gate, Yun Zilei rushed to the car, slammed on the brakes and drove away.

Seeing Yun Zilei's car disappearing from sight, Xiao Yijin gasped for breath and didn't recover for a long time.

Last night, this guy came here to do something, and I almost missed the performance time to deal with him, but I didn't expect him to dare to come today.

Xiao Yijin stood on the side of the road for a while, and Tong Yao ran over.

At this moment, Xiao Yijin had recovered, he turned around and reached out to rub Tong Yao's hair, and said softly, "Let's go, let's go back."

"Why did he arrest me?" Tong Yao felt that something was wrong, so he asked directly.

Turning her head to look at the nursery rhyme, Xiao Yijin said in a low voice: "You look so good-looking, how many men in the world want to snatch you from me, is this... strange?"

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Seeing Tong Yao's disbelief, Xiao Yijin added: "I really didn't lie."

"Oh, I'm going back to pack my things and prepare to go out. I'm going to buy some food for Xiaobao." After Tong Yao finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Xiao Yijin was completely confused: "Xiaobao? Who is Xiaobao?"

Hearing this, Tong Yao said without looking back, "My son."

Listening to these words, three words suddenly popped out of Xiao Yijin's head: Xiao Xiaobao?
He vaguely remembered that before Wu Jie asked him if he knew who Xiao Xiaobao was.

At that time, he even complained about the name, who knew...

Is this Xiao Xiaobao his son?
Why does something feel wrong.

When Xiao Yijin came back to his senses, the nursery rhyme had already gone far away, someone Xiao hurriedly followed, "I'll go shopping with you, Xiaobao is also my son."

Thinking of how Xiao Yijin abused children in the game, Tong Yao really didn't want to say a word to this man.

The two went to the pet center to buy some things, and then Tong Yao went back to the dormitory.

Xiaobao is very obedient and doesn't bark indiscriminately. He eats and sleeps, and eats and sleeps, but he doesn't attract the attention of others.

(End of this chapter)

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