The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 392 Mr. Feng's Great-Grandson

Chapter 392 Mr. Feng's Great-Grandson


After a while, a man with a ponytail came down from upstairs.

He was wearing a white coat and a mask. He was tall and looked refined, giving off a very elegant feeling.

"Hello, did you bring your dog for vaccination?" The man's voice was very gentle, which made people feel very comfortable.

Nursery rhyme hugged Xiaobao and said, "Hello doctor, I brought the dog here for vaccination."

"Another demolition team leader who is growing up. You can call me Dayu. How old is the dog?" Dayu carried Xiaobao to weigh him, and the nursery rhyme followed: "One and a half months."

Standing at the back, Xiao Yijin watched Nursery Rhyme and Dayu happily talking not far away, and the expression on her face became darker and darker.

This doctor doesn't look like a serious doctor.

Also, what kind of eyes does the ugly girl have?
Why is the voice so gentle when talking to this doctor?

She still looks at him and smiles...

I don't usually see her smiling at herself like this.

The dosage of vaccines for dogs is calculated according to their body weight. Xiaobao is still young, so the dosage is naturally small.

A little sister took Xiaobao away, and the doctor started dispensing the medicine, and started to administer the medicine, and Xiaobao started screaming: "Aw... ow... ow!"

"Ow ooh..."


When the doctor really started to give the injection, it stopped barking... It looked at the nursery rhyme with a cute face.

The little sister who was holding Xiaobao was amused at once: "Miss sister, your dog is so cute."

"It's okay, it's okay." Tong Yao's forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

This little he so good at acting?
He must have learned it from his father.

After the injection, Dayu took Xiao Bao over and handed it to Nursery Yao, and told him intimately: "It's normal for the dog to have mild diarrhea after the vaccination. This is the vaccine book, you keep it."

"Okay, thank you." After the nursery rhyme finished speaking, she felt Xiaobao in her arms burrowing non-stop. She pulled up her coat and wrapped him up.

Just as she was about to pay, the young lady at the cashier said, "Your husband has already settled the bill. This is the business card of our hospital. Please call if you need anything."


Tong Yao looked at Xiao Yijin, and stretched out a hand to take the business card: "Well, thank you."

When the two walked out of the pet hospital, Xiao Yijin was still in a bad mood, and asked coldly, "Did that pet doctor give you his business card?"

"Well, that's right." As soon as the nursery rhyme was finished, Xiao Yijin put his hand into her pocket, and the next second, the business card had already fallen into his hand.

"Da Yu...why didn't he go to control the water? He even came to open a pet hospital." Xiao Yijin muttered, and turned his face only to see Tong Yao looking at him with disgust.

Feeling a little embarrassed, he stuffed the business card back, opened the car door and said, "Come on, let's go to dinner."

Tong Yao hugged Xiaobao and sat in, "Old Zhang, please take me to my grandpa's house."

Lao Zhang nodded: "Okay, no problem."

Xiao Yijin sat in and closed the car door.

Along the way, nursery rhymes kept teasing the dog, and they didn't talk much to Xiao Yijin.

After a while, Xiao Yijin suddenly picked up the phone and started calling.

Originally, she didn't care about nursery rhymes, until the phone was connected, Xiao Yijin said, "Grandpa Feng."

Nursery rhyme for a moment?
Why is Xiao Yijin calling her grandfather?

Before Tong Yao could figure it out, Xiao Yijin squinted at Tong Yao, and then said with a smile at the corner of her mouth: "Yao Yao and I are on our way to your house with your great-grandson."

(End of this chapter)

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