The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 394 Young Master 1 Must Not Be Born

Chapter 394 The young master must not be his own
After looking at Xiao Yijin for a while, Mr. Feng turned his head to look at Tong Yao and sighed: "Yao Yao, you don't have to hide it from grandpa, you have it if you have it. I used to quarrel with your mother because she was pregnant before marriage, which led to Later, heaven and man were separated, and now I think about it, since I already have a child, I will give birth to it, and I will let the Xiao family boy be the son-in-law, and I will definitely not let you go to your in-law's house to suffer."

Seeing Mr. Feng's red eyes, Tong Yao felt warm in his heart, "Grandpa, I really don't have any children. Your great-grandson that Xiao Yijin mentioned is... this."

Mr. Feng followed the nursery rhyme's line of sight to look down, and saw a confused little treasure.

"Dog... dog?" Old Master Feng stretched out his hand uncertainly and poked Xiao Bao's head, Xiao Bao barked twice, the little tiger-headed tiger-brained figure looked very cute.

For some reason, the old man's heart suddenly relaxed a lot. He knocked hard on the steps with his crutch a few times, stared at Xiao Yijin and asked, "Xiao Yijin, what's going on?"

Xiao Yijin was cowardly: "The ugly girl said that Xiaobao is her son, it your great-grandson?"

Mr. Feng: "..."

The group of people surrounding Xiao Yijin was also quite speechless. They were called by the old company commander in a hurry. They thought something serious happened, but it turned was an oolong.

Fortunately, we all live in the same community, not far away.

Having such a big oolong, Mr. Feng felt a little embarrassed, but when he thought that Tong Yao was not pregnant with Xiao Yijin's child, he felt at ease.

After staring at Xiao Yijin for a long time, Mr. Feng said to the rest of the people: "You have worked hard today, please treat everyone to dinner another day."

Everyone exchanged a few words and dispersed.

The old man snatched Xiaobao into his arms and entered the house. Tong Yao was the last to go in, and closed the door gently but not tightly, leaving a gap.

Xiao Yijin naturally noticed Tong Yao's actions and quickly followed in.

Seeing Xiao Yijin enter the house, Lao Zhang quickly took out his phone and sent Yu Ting a WeChat message: Ma'am, the young master just said that he was going to be the son-in-law of Chairman Feng's house!

Yu Ting: Really?

Lao Zhang: It is absolutely true.

Yu Ting: That's great, otherwise he'd mess with me every day.

Old Zhang: ...

I feel sorry for their young master, is the young master his own?

It was freezing outside the house, but it was much warmer inside. Xiao Yijin didn't know how the old man reacted to this matter, so he made such a joke.

Thinking about it now, he was wrong.

After all, Feng Ran ran away from home because she was unmarried and pregnant, and died of illness in the end. This should be a huge pain for the old man.

And he, although he said it was unintentional, still touched the old man's scar after all.

After thinking about it, Xiao Yijin walked towards the old man who was teasing Xiao Bao, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, Grandpa Feng, I was wrong, I shouldn't make such a joke."

Mr. Feng was teasing the dog with a plush toy. Hearing this, he raised his eyes in surprise.

In his memory, this child has never given in.

It seems that with Yaoyao, he really changed a lot.

Standing up with a cane, Mr. Feng sighed: "I'm too sensitive about this matter, and I can't blame you entirely. Let's stop talking about the past. Let's pretend that what happened tonight never happened. .”

never happened?
Is the old man serious?

Xiao Yijin's brows furrowed into a mountain in a second: "Then what you said about getting married? Does it still count?"

(End of this chapter)

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