Chapter 396 You Like Him
Seeing Xiao Yijin's hurried expression, Tong Yao asked, "Where are you going? What happened?"

"Xiao Yan had a car accident. I'm going to the hospital. I'll pick you up tomorrow." After speaking, Xiao Yijin wanted to leave.

"Wait for me, I'll go with you." Tong Yao ran upstairs quickly, settled Xiaobao, and ran out with the down jacket.

Xiao Yan is Xiao Yijin's elder brother, if something happened to him, he should go and see it out of reason.

When the two got into the car, Xiao Yijin felt uneasy: "Old Zhang, hurry up, hurry up."

"The road is slippery, safety first." Tong Yao turned his face to look at Xiao Yijin, he kept checking the time and looking out of the car window, his face was full of anxiety.

Tong Yao didn't know how to comfort him, because at this moment, it seemed that saying anything was superfluous.

Only when he really saw that Xiao Yan was out of danger, would he feel relieved.

The car finally arrived at the hospital. After getting off the car, Xiao Yijin reached out and held Tong Yao's hand. Normally his hand was very warm, but at this time, it was already very cold.

It was so cold that Tong Yao couldn't help shaking.

Instead of breaking free from his hand, she held him gently with her backhand.

Sensing the small movements of the nursery rhyme, Xiao Yijin glanced sideways at her, exhaled lightly, and forced herself to calm down a bit.

Although he and Xiao Yan often fought back and forth, their relationship had been very good since they were young. He really didn't expect that Xiao Yan would have a car accident.

Standing on the first floor, Xiao Liu hurried over when she saw Xiao Yijin coming: "Second Young Master, you can count yourself here."

A group of people walked towards the elevator, Xiao Yijin stretched out her hand and pressed the elevator several times, with an unconcealed anxiety on her face: "What happened? Why did the car accident happen?"

"There was a series of car accidents on the South Ring Road. The road was too slippery. The chairman didn't stop the brakes and hit it. I was sitting in the back row and only suffered some minor injuries." Xiao Liu's hands and head were slapped. Bandages, very red eye circles.

The elevator finally came, Xiao Yijin and the others walked in, Xiao Liu pressed the 8th floor, raised his hand to wipe his tears, and said with a sob: "Second Young Master, the chairman has lost a lot of blood, and he has rare panda blood. After asking all over the group, no one has this blood type at all, and the doctor said that if the blood transfusion is not performed, the chairman will die."

Koyanagi: "The doctor said that although type O blood is universal blood, it needs to be RH negative to be transfused, but they couldn't find it at all."

Listening to Xiao Liu's words, Tong Yao's nose slightly soured, as if thinking of something, "Panda blood, I know someone with panda blood!"

Xiao Yijin turned her head abruptly when she heard the words: "Who?"

Nursery rhyme: "Jiang Yuan is the singer who sang plot songs for Xianmeng Game. I read her profile before and I remembered her blood type was written like that. I don't know if the information in Baidu's profile is accurate. Why don't you call her and ask her?" ?”

After the words fell, the elevator door opened, and the three of them had just stepped out of the elevator when they saw Jiang Yuan coming out of the blood transfusion room.

Seeing Xiao Yijin's pale face, Jiang Yuan walked over with a smile and said, "I heard from a friend that Mr. Xiao needed a blood transfusion, so I came here. Don't worry, the doctor said that he will be fine after the blood transfusion."

"Thank you, thank you." Xiao Yijin said thank you twice in a row, and then walked outside the operating room.

Seeing Jiang Yuan's pale face, Tong Yao walked over to help her sit down: "Did you donate more blood?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't exceed 400ml, it's fine. It will be back in a few days, as long as he's fine." Jiang Yuan smiled slightly, and lowered his eyes slightly.

She folded her hands together and kept rubbing them, and looked worriedly at the operating room from time to time.

It wasn't until the doctor came out to say that Xiao Yan was out of danger that everyone was completely relieved.

Tong Yao turned her head to look at Jiang Yuan's profile, recalled the rumors on the Internet not long ago, and suddenly leaned into her ear and said, "You like him, don't you?"

"Ah? No, no, that..." Jiang Yuan turned her head to meet Tong Yao's sly eyes, her words became incoherent, and she lowered her head shyly, "I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense. "

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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