Chapter 501 Number 001, X
Everyone watching the game was also stunned.

Isn't this the final of the Hacking Contest?

How do you feel that these two big guys are going to fight for robbing women in the next second?
"That Kate, why do I feel a little familiar?"

"Does it look familiar to you? This is the representative of the organizer for many years, the CEO of the international network group."

"But what did he mean by what he just said to that girl?",

"I thought there was something wrong with this girl before, so it seems that she has something to do with the organizer, so she was recommended to the finals?"

"Didn't you say that the master hacker X is here? But everyone is wearing a mask, which one is X?"

"The competition will start in a while, and the number and name will be displayed. I heard that X is the youngest champion in the history of the International Hacking Contest. He was only in his teens when he won the championship. He is only in his early twenties now?"


Everyone was discussing, and at this moment, the competition had officially started, and the screen was cut to Xiao Yijin's computer desktop, with the letters below: number 001, X.

Xiao Yijin was wearing a mask and hat, and the camera couldn't capture anything at all, but everyone could feel his aura through the screen.

A girl murmured in a low voice: "It's really [-] meters tall. Even with a mask on, I can tell that God X must be super handsome."

The girl's voice fell, and after a while the camera switched to Nursery Rhyme's face.

Nursery rhyme didn't wear a mask, and when many boys saw her face, they immediately exploded: "Nursy rhyme? Damn, I don't have eyesight, right? Isn't this... isn't it a guest official?"

"Who? You mean the strongest female anchor of Xianmeng Game?"

"Oh my god, you're really a guest official. Fuck me, you play the game well and you look so good-looking, but you're still a hacker?"

"This close-up is amazing, the eyelashes are so long, and the makeup is so beautiful!"

"Today, we are also strongly Amway, our guest official boss!"


Female fans also exclaimed: "I want to marry!"

Although the game watching scene was very lively, the game scene was very quiet, a little weirdly quiet.

The pictures were all relayed downstairs, so Nursery Rhymes and the others had no idea that the scene below was already bustling.

The portrait at the top of the screen disappeared, and the cracking progress of each number began to appear, and the atmosphere began to become tense.

Many people actually don't see those things at all, but they think they are very high-end.

"God X, come on!"

"Guest officer, come on!"


Some people who don't play Xianmeng don't even know what the hell is the guest official boss that everyone talks about?

Nursery rhyme fans sitting in the auditorium began to strongly Amway nursery rhymes like the people around them.

"The only girl in the finals is the number one anchor of the hottest online game Xianmeng in China. She can be both salty and sweet. She can sing and play games. She fights super violently. She is the first girl in the whole server. !"

"That's right, the singing is super invincible and nice, and the ancient costume looks super good-looking!"


But everyone is also a measured person. If you say that others are not interested, you will automatically shut up and never disturb the people.

Originally, Xiao Yijin could have finished it a long time ago, but his computer has a small problem, and it always freezes from time to time.

But it is not allowed to change the computer during the game, so he can only continue to use it.

It wasn't just him, Tong Yao's computer also had a problem. She frowned and looked at the screen, but she had an answer in her heart. I'm was Yun Zilei's fault.

(End of this chapter)

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