Chapter 509 Give You A Slap

Tong Manlin was reprimanded in public, and immediately stamped her feet in displeasure, pouted and said, "Dad, I'm telling the truth. Nursery Rhyme was taken to our house when she was in kindergarten. You worked so hard to bring her up." , but she is good, she has completely forgotten about our family after recognizing her grandfather, she is an ungrateful white-eyed wolf."

Originally, Tong Manlin was the kind of person who was spoiled and spoiled at home, and it was fine to speak without thinking, and she often spoke out.

Usually it's fine for her to talk nonsense, but now in front of so many people, she still speaks without thinking. Tong Shuo felt ashamed, so he opened his mouth and said, "Man Lin, what nonsense are you talking about? Don't talk. gone."

Most of the people who came to this banquet were of good character. Seeing Tong Manlin's actions, they all frowned and shook their heads slightly.

Xiao Yijin originally just came here for a cutscene, but when she saw that nursery rhymes were suddenly mentioned, she couldn't keep silent, so she sneered and said, "Oh, if I remember correctly, nursery rhymes are children of your Tong family, right? Shouldn't you raise your own children?"

Listening to Xiao Yijin's words, Tong Shuo's face was dripping with sweat. He gave Tong Manlin a hard look, but Tong Manlin was still wronged, and burst into tears: "Dad, what do you think I said wrong? Originally, she You shouldn't have come to our house!"

Originally, Tong Yao wanted to say something to Tong Manlin, but seeing Tong Manlin's insanity, she suddenly felt that Tong Manlin could make their family of three a joke at the banquet without her asking.

Zhuang Yi didn't meet Tong Yao many times, but he has a good relationship with Tong Yao, so he squeezed forward and said with a smile: "White-eyed wolf? Then according to the elder sister's intention, if Tong Yao recognizes grandpa, you have to pay him back." Give your Tong family a sum of money, right? Is this going to sell your daughter to Grandpa Feng?"

This hit Tong Shuo's sore spot. He originally wanted to extort a sum of money, but this time he was not included in the invitation to the banquet. In order to ease the relationship with the old man, he specially called the old man himself. With such a relationship, the old man didn't want to make things too ugly, so he sent an invitation to the Tong family.

Who would have thought that coming to the banquet not only did not ease the relationship, but it became more and more tense.

"There are so many old friends of my grandpa here, and I don't want my grandpa to lose face here. If you have something to do, we can make an appointment to discuss it after the banquet is over. It's really inappropriate to make private matters public. Everyone is in a good mood, please forgive me." Tong Yao said politely to the people around, and everyone dispersed.

The sharp contrast between Tong Manlin's rudeness and the elegance of the nursery rhyme made the three members of the Tong family feel even more embarrassed.

After speaking, Tong Yao walked towards the entrance of the banquet hall, and Tong Shuo's family of three also came over.

Seeing Tong Yao's graceful back, Tong Manlin couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed directly.

"What are you pretending to do! An ugly duckling is an ugly duckling, and it will never change into a white swan. Your mother is a dirty woman. To put it mildly, she is a social butterfly. To put it harshly, she just wants to be happy with all kinds of men. You are no good at all." Things!" After Tong Manlin finished speaking, she slapped her across the face.

This slap on the nursery rhyme did not show mercy, it directly slapped Tong Manlin's face with a red mark!
(End of this chapter)

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