The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 511 Let Me Guard You For The Rest Of My Life

Chapter 511 Let Me Guard You For The Rest Of My Life

"Marriage? You thought I was the one who married the Xiao family? It was the Xiao family who came to ask for nursery rhymes by name. Don't you understand now? Xiao Yijin originally liked nursery rhymes!" The two said this When they reached the door, they happened to see Tong Manlin who was blocked from the door.

It is said that they are taken out to rest, but to put it bluntly, they are kicked out.

Tong Manlin, who was standing outside wearing a coat, was shivering from the cold, and now she heard Tong Shuo's words again, and she immediately blew up: "Dad, what are you talking about? Brother Xiao doesn't really like nursery rhymes, you have to think about it." Help me! I tried several times to give up, but I still have no way not to think about him, without him I will die!"

Originally, Tong Shuo was already very angry at Tong Manlin today, but now he heard her mentally retarded words, so he said directly: "If you don't want to live, you should die, don't embarrass me here!"

After speaking, Tong Shuo left without looking back.

Tong Manlin was stunned. She couldn't believe that Tong Shuo, who had loved him since childhood, said those words. She cried and looked at Yang Ying who was beside her, and asked tremblingly, "Mom, dad... he just said to let me to die?"

Yang Ying reached out and hugged Tong Manlin, patted him on the back and said softly, "Don't pay attention to him, he is already crazy!"

The mother and daughter left with each other's arms, and Tong Manlin's wonderful performance tonight also became a joke for everyone at the banquet.

After eating, Tong Yao was eating fruit in the fruit area, Qin Yiyi walked towards her slowly, and said in a strange way: "Anyway, the Tong family raised you, you are really cold-blooded."

"..." Tong Yao didn't even look at Qin Yiyi, as if she didn't hear her words, she just... left...

Before Qin Yiyi could say what she wanted to say, Tong Yao had already left the venue with Xiao Yijin. Angrily, she slammed the cup of her phone on the table, turned and left.

Xiao Yijin sent nursery rhyme home. After returning home, nursery rhyme changed into home clothes, and then came downstairs with Xiao Bao in her arms, preparing to get him something to eat.

As soon as she walked down, she saw Xiao Yijin leaning on the sofa in a dress, as if she had fallen asleep.

Tong Yao stepped lightly, put Xiaobao on the sofa on the other side, then took the blanket and gently covered Xiao Yijin's body.

Just as he was about to turn around, his hand was grabbed by someone, and then he gently moved his hand, and Tong Yao fell on her lap. His eyes were bloodshot, and he looked a little tired.

He buried his head on Nursery Yao's neck and said softly, "Yaoyao, don't worry, with me here in the future, no one will dare to bully you."

Hearing this, Tong Yao's heart trembled slightly. He must have heard what he said to Tong Shuo and the others, so he probably said that.

Sighing lightly, Tong Yao said in a low voice, " don't have to be so sad, it's all in the past."

Xiao Yijin lived in a happy family, and everyone in the family was very nice. He knew that Tong Shuo was not good at nursery rhymes before, but he never thought that they would be so mad.

A slap in the face is only one-ten-thousandth interest, so how did his girl get here in the past ten years...

After not hearing Xiao Yijin's words for a long time, Tong Yao stretched out a hand, pushed his head, and said in a relaxed tone, "Hey, hey, brother dei, how are you?"

Tong Yao turned her face and saw Xiao Yijin's red eyes. The two looked at each other for a long time, and Xiao Yijin said seriously, "Yaoyao, let me protect you for the rest of my life, trust me."

(End of this chapter)

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