Chapter 513 Sun Yi Was Deceived

Hearing this, Wu Jie was speechless immediately: "Is this woman fucking retarded? Playing a game and stealing other people's things? As for?"

System message: Player Orange Soda has quit the sect!
Tong Yao couldn't help but feel a little depressed: "I saw this kind of weird thing on the forum before, but I didn't expect it to happen to us."

Some people in the sect saw that Sun Yi had been cheated, and felt that it was not worth it for him, so they went to the world channel to crusade against orange soda.

"Tricking others to give fashion, tricking others to give mounts, tricking others to deposit money! Now that they don't charge money, they simply transfer the things in other people's accounts to their own account at a low price, and they are shameless! "

"Don't say we slandered your goddess, the transaction records are clear, the upgrade material for gold equipment is only 1 spirit stone, have you seen it?"

"It's just playing a game, can you show some face."

"Are you really timid after taking other people's things? If you have a clear conscience, then come out and explain!"


At first, many players didn't know what gossip was, but after talking too much, everyone gradually cleared up their thoughts, but no matter what the people who killed the world said, the orange soda, just like the world evaporated, never appeared again .

And Sun Yi, after engaging in hair, also did not say a word.

After thinking about it for a while, Wu Jie thought of a way and sent a thousand-mile sound transmission.

Kidney Treasure, it tastes great: "Orange soda, if you don't come out and explain, our hacker master guest officer is going to expose your bare-faced photos online, so I'll ask you if you're afraid?"

The news about Nursery Rhyme's participation in the International Hacking Contest has already been spread in the game, so after Wu Jie sent this message, Juzi became a little anxious. She was in a hurry to spend money, so she wanted to get those things from Sun Yi and post them sold. (Stalls in the game are traded in spirit stones, while consignment in the mall is traded in RMB, and corresponding tax rates will be deducted for both transactions.)
Sun Yi was dragged by his father to the company to study, so she didn't have much time to play games. She took a little something every day, thinking that Sun Yi would not find out.

Who would have thought that the incident would happen right away.

She knows that the guest officer cannot be a hacker.

Although she is not as popular as those bosses in this game, there are still many male players willing to play with her because of her loli voice.

If the guest officer really posted a photo of her without makeup, she would hardly dare to think about it.

She didn't dare to respond directly to Wu Jie's voice transmission, so she sent a private message to Sun Yi: "Superman, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take your things, can you help me tell the guest officer not to hang up my bare makeup photos?"

Sun Yi looked at the information on the screen expressionlessly: "Why didn't you think that there would be such a day when you lied to me?"

Orange soda: "I will return it to you in the future, can you help me to intercede with the guest officer? We have been in love for such a long time anyway, can you help me, this money is small money for you , but it's important to me."

Sun Yi himself still had some old feelings in his heart, but he felt a little uncomfortable when he saw what Ju Zi said.

What does it mean that this money is small money to him?

It's not a matter of money at all. If she told herself directly, it wouldn't matter if she gave it to her, but she was obviously stealing.

After stealing, I didn't feel that I was wrong at all.

Sun Yi knew that Wu Jie said that hanging photos without makeup was just to scare Tangerine, but Tangerine's performance really disappointed him.

He broke up with Xiaosu shortly after they were together, and later he met Juzi, she was considerate and gentle, she kept busy with his tasks when he was busy...

Unexpectedly, she turned out to be a liar. Why was his road to writing about love so bumpy?

(End of this chapter)

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