Chapter 519
The places are limited, if you don't sign up quickly, you won't be able to go to the scene.

After thinking about it, Nursery Rhyme immediately logged into the game and went to the registration page.

Unexpectedly, just a second after she went online, someone Xiao sent an emoji: a miserable little man kneeling on a durian...

Nursery Rhyme was about to blackmail him, when the computer screen went blue, and then a miserable game character appeared on the screen crying exaggeratedly: My lady, I was wrong!Hit me, lady!Ma'am, would you like to meet me?

Tong Yao's eyes sank, and she replied two words: not good.

Xiao Yijin's hacking skills were already superior to hers. Tong Yao couldn't regain the initiative to control the computer, so she turned off the computer directly and sent Du Chuan a WeChat message: "Du Chuan, sign up for the New Year's offline event."

Du Chuan: "Oh, brother, I heard that Xiao Yijin was kicked out by you, right?"

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Nursery rhyme: "How do you know."

Du Chuan: "He even called me today, saying that he asked me to help you out, but he didn't think about the relationship between the two of us. I must be on your side, so I firmly refused. killed him!"

Nursery rhyme: "Are you sure you didn't get bribed by him?"

Du Chuan: "That must be, how can I be the kind of person who is moved by small favors and small favors."

After saying this, Du Chuan felt a little guilty.

Maybe other things can't impress him, but the scarce materials in the game still impress him very much. Although Xiao Yijin didn't bribe him this time, but last seemed to be bribed once.

After thinking for a while, Du Chuan asked again: "Brother, why are you angry? Did that guy do something to apologize to you? If that's the case, I'll help you fix him."

"I can fix it myself, you, just mind your own business." After Tong Yao sent the message, she lay down again. If she hadn't seen the surveillance with her own eyes, how could she believe that Xiao Yijin went to that place.

Du Chuan: "Brother, Xiaojie ignored me. She said she wanted a divorce and I didn't agree to it. Later, she never registered again. It has been many days. The mobile phone number she left for me has been cancelled. I lost the number, and I really can't find her."

Speaking of the two of them, Nursery Rhyme felt a little funny, "You guys, you will meet each other if you are destined."

Du Chuan: "Tsk tsk tsk, this doesn't seem like something you would say at all. Ever since you fell in love with Xiao Yijin, you have become much more feminine. Before..."

Tong Yao glanced at Du Chuan's long speech, didn't want to read it, and quit WeChat.

What does it mean to become feminine after being with Xiao Yijin?

Hasn't she always been feminine?
As far as Nursery Rhyme is concerned, she can be absolutely loyal to her other half, and she will not allow her other half to do anything sorry for her.

Although she didn't know what Xiao Yijin was doing here, he should be punished if he went.

Wait till you calm down...

On the third day, early in the morning, Tong Yao had just woken up and was sitting on the bed dazed, when an unfamiliar number called.

And the place of ownership is D City.

After being dazed for a while, she picked up the phone, and Sister Ting's cheerful voice came from the other end of the phone: "Yaoyao, I'm your sister Ting, I heard that you kicked out that brat Yijin, right? Hehe... Well done, well done, this kid deserves a beating, he should clean up, if you have been wronged in any way, just tell Sister Ting, Sister Ting will definitely give you justice!"

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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