Chapter 522 Someone who gloats

Xiao Yijin stayed up all night last night, and now she was sleeping deeply, when she was woken up suddenly, her tone sounded a little scary: "What are you doing?"

Zhuang Yi: "Boss, I saw my sister-in-law shopping with a pretty boy!"

In a second, Xiao Yijin sat up from the bed: "What did you say? Say it again?"

Zhuang Yi: "Didn't I want to buy a better earphone? I just dragged Ah Zui to go shopping with me. Who would have thought that my sister-in-law was shopping with a man when I went downstairs after shopping. Like a big bamboo pole, those eyes have never been opened to my sister-in-law before..."

Xiao Yijin: "Send it quickly!"

Zhuang Yi was a little confused: "What?"

Xiao Yijin: "Positioning, you idiot."

After speaking, the phone hung up.

Zhuang Yi stretched out his hand and scratched his head: "Boss is coming, we you want to stay here and watch the fun? It feels like this shopping mall is about to set off a bloody storm..."

Ah Zui turned his face and glanced at Zhuang Yi, who was winking, and said coldly, "Looking at the excitement of the boss, are you looking for death?"

"What you said seems to make sense." Zhuang Yi posted Xiao Yijin's location on WeChat, and then left with Ah Zui.

As much as he wanted to stay, his will to survive wouldn't allow him to.

Ten minutes later, Tong Yao bought a satisfactory keyboard and was about to go home. When he walked to the door, Dayu suddenly said, "I think the snow is so big. Wait for me. I'll get you an umbrella in the car."

"No, no, it's fine if it's snowing without an umbrella." After the nursery rhyme finished speaking, she turned around and left. As soon as she turned around, she saw Xiao standing not far behind her with a dark face.

He just looked at the nursery rhyme, didn't speak, and didn't leave.

When Dayu saw Xiao Yijin coming, he said, "Your boyfriend is here to pick you up, just in time, then I have something to do, so I'll go first."

The two stood at the door and looked at each other, he didn't speak for a long time, the wind outside was so cold, Nursery Rhyme didn't have the energy to spend with him, so he just walked around him.

Xiao Yijin didn't say a word, and followed not far behind Tong Yao.

After entering the community, Xiao Yijin suddenly quickened her pace, detoured in front of nursery rhymes and hugged her, lowered her voice and said, "Don't be like this in the future? God knows how much I miss you when I don't see you for a few days."

He hurried over after receiving Zhuang Yi's call, not because he thought Tong Yao really had anything to do with people, but...he had the chance to meet Tong Yao, these days, he really missed her.

The anger of the nursery rhyme has dissipated a little, and when I heard him say these words, my heart was also a little touched: "I didn't believe it when Yun Zilei said that you were going to spend money and money, but I hacked the surveillance there, and I saw you go."

"Yaoyao, wait for me." Xiao Yijin held Nursery Yao by one hand, afraid that she would run away.

With the other hand, he took out his mobile phone and opened WeChat to dial the video for Xiao Zihan. It took a while for Xiao Zihan to pick up the video. Seeing Xiao Yijin's face, Xiao Zihan asked in bewilderment, "Second brother, what are you doing?"

Xiao Yijin pointed the video at Tong Yao's face, and then said, "The other day I went to give you money, and someone took a picture of it and sent it to your sister-in-law, so now you have to explain it clearly to your sister-in-law."

Hearing this, Xiao Zihan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly laughed wildly at the other end of the video: "Hahahahahahaha, second brother, Sister Ting said that you were kicked out by your sister-in-law, so it was because of this? Hohohoho... ..."

This laughter is exactly the same as that of Sister Ting, it really is not that the whole family does not enter the house...

(End of this chapter)

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