Chapter 525 Why Are You Stupid FUFU

Nursery rhyme: "Yes."

Wu Jie: "That's great, I have something to ask you."

This guy can still consult with himself?

What tricks are you playing again...

Nursery rhyme: "You say."

Wu Jie: "I also want to raise Erha, do you think it's okay to raise it in the dormitory?"

Turning his head to look at Xiao Xiaobao who was gnawing on the table legs, Nursery Rhyme shook his head again and again: "When I was young, I was about to raise him in the dormitory. When his blood is awakened, then you are finished, but I said, why do you suddenly think of wanting to raise a dog?" ?”

"Suddenly I want to raise a dog son. I have already chosen the name, and I will call it Xiaochuanchuan." After Wu Jie typed these words, he was very happy.

Tong Yao's forehead was sweating coldly, just as Xiao Yijin said, it was really a naive act of revenge.

Wu Jie: "By the way, do you know, Mr. Guest Officer? The game will soon be updated with new pets. I saw the promotional picture, and I was f---ing cute. Three forms, including three sledges, especially pets. It’s the form of the little Erha, which has the essence of Erha, I can’t afford to raise Erha in reality, so I’ll just raise one in the game, name it Xiao Chuanchuan, and take it out for a walk every day.”

Sleigh three fools?

Tong Yao stretched out her hand and scratched her hair. She followed the game's WeChat official account, but she didn't see this promotional article.

I went back to WeChat and searched but couldn't find it. Tong Yao went to the official website to browse around again, and only then did I see those three idiots...

It seems that it is indeed silly fufu...

It's just that this little Erha's childhood form, why does it look so familiar...

After looking at the photo, he turned his head to look at Xiao Bao who was playing with a small ball, the corner of Nursery Rhyme's mouth twitched, what the hell, this little erha looks the same as Xiao Bao when he was a child...

Although it is said that dogs of this breed all looked similar when they were young, this one really resembles Little Treasure...

Swipe the mouse lightly, and when she saw how to obtain it, Nursery Rhyme raised her eyebrows slightly: After the update is shut down next Tuesday, pet fragments will be dropped in the dungeon with a probability. Thirty fragments can be synthesized into a pet baby, love dungeon and There is a high probability of dropping fragments in the duo copy of the sea area.

Finding Xiaobao's childhood photos, Nursery Rhyme compared them on the computer screen for a long time, the more I looked at them, the more I felt that the pet Xiao Erha was exactly the same as her Xiaobao.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, the WeChat public account pushed an article about a new pet.

The comment area was immediately filled with smoke.

"Why do I feel that Xianmeng game is discriminating against single dogs more and more, why is there a high probability of falling fragments in the copy of love?"

"That's right, I don't have a relationship, am I not even qualified to have a dog?"

"Brothers, don't panic. If you can't play the love book, you can play the double book. The double book also has a high probability of dropping fragments, and even the ordinary dungeon has a probability of dropping fragments. It's not good... just spend money to buy it. "

"That is, we rich people don't care about the money to buy the pieces."


Tong Yao is reading everyone's comments, the game message prompts a voice, she clicks on it, and someone Xiao sends a hot-eyed emoji.

Dislike it.

Nursery Rhyme clicked to close the chat dialog box, and bought bait directly to find a place to fish.

Just a few seconds after sitting down, someone Xiao floated in front of her.

System message: Player Yicun Acacia recited a love poem to you affectionately: "If the two loves last forever, how can they last forever."

System message: Player Yicun Acacia recited a love poem to you affectionately: "Linglong dice An Hongdou, you know who you are when you are deeply in love."

(End of this chapter)

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