Chapter 530 You Go, I Never Liked You

"I didn't think about disturbing her, I just wanted to hear her say that she doesn't like me, that she never liked me, then I promise I won't disturb her again in the future." Du Chuan finished speaking , I saw a man in a down jacket and mask coming out from the door of the unit, and he threw the garbage in his hand into a large trash can on the side.

Then he walked towards himself slowly, and said coldly: "You go, I never liked you."

Hearing this voice, Du Chuan instinctively said, "Are you crazy?"

The man didn't stop after saying this, and strode into the iron gate at the entrance of the unit. After a long time, Du Chuan woke up like a dream, and chased after him: "Who are you? Come out! You speak clearly !"

Wu Jie stood on the stairs on the second floor for a long time, then turned around and climbed up.

He heard Du Chuan calling him from below, his heart was torn apart, his heart became a little heavy for some reason, he pushed the door and went in, his parents were still watching TV...

The show was still a comedy sketch, and the two laughed while watching it, but Wu Jie felt very cold in his heart. He went back to the room, took off his shoes, and curled up under the quilt.

But still shivering with cold.

"Xiaojie, why didn't you throw away the garbage in the kitchen when you went down to throw out the garbage just now!" Mama Wu pushed the door in and saw Wu Jie huddled on the bed under the quilt.

She was worried about Wu Jie, so she came over and asked, "Son, what's wrong? What's wrong?"

"Mom, I'm fine, you go out." Wu Jie's voice was extremely suppressed, and Wu's mother was a little at a loss. Over the years, Wu Jie has always been a cheerful and optimistic child, but it was the first time she saw him like this.

Without further questioning, Mother Wu closed the door and backed out.

Du Chuan has been sitting downstairs, and then it rained heavily, but he didn't leave...

There is always a sentence in my mind that keeps circling in my mind, lingering...

Xiaojie is a man?She lied to herself...

He's a liar, a liar...

Later, Tong Yao couldn't get through to Du Chuan's phone. She had called Du Chuan before, but he hung up suddenly, and then lost contact.

Worried about Du Chuan's accident, Tong Yao called Xiao Yijin. Xiao Yijin was already sound asleep at this time. When she saw Tong Yao call in the middle of the night, she thought something had happened, and her heart sank: "Yaoyao, what's wrong?"

"You know the address of Wu Jie's house, right? Du Chuan went to Wu Jie's house to look for him, but then lost contact. You have a lot of contacts. I want you to help me find him." Tong Yao said anxiously.

Xiao Yijin heard the anxious tone of nursery rhymes, and knew that the situation must be urgent, so she said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, I will take care of it."

Nursery Rhyme: "Okay."

Tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, Tong Yao kept holding the phone, waiting for Xiao Yijin's call.

It was getting cold, and she just received a WeChat message from Xiao Yijin: The person was found and sent to the hospital. There is no danger. Don't worry, I will ask someone to take him home when he is discharged from the hospital.

Nursery Rhyme: Okay, thank you Xiao Yijin.

Xiao Yijin: I don't like this way of expressing gratitude. I suggest another way.

Nursery Rhymes: Which?
Xiao Yijin: You know what I want.

Nursery Rhyme: ...

This guy is really not serious for a second, but this time he helped him find Du Chuan, so he has to thank him very much.

After thinking about it, Tong Yao sent Xiao Yijin a message: When you come back, I will thank you very much.

After working all night, Xiao Yijin was extremely tired at first, but after seeing this message, he became full of blood in an instant, and directly called Lao Zhang: "Old Zhang, hurry up and book a ticket back to the imperial capital. "

(End of this chapter)

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