Chapter 535 She Said Thank You

Tong Yao still had a good impression of Dayu, so he smiled and said, "I'm also quite surprised, do you know my grandpa?"

Hearing this, Dayu smiled and continued: "My family is also in this community. My father and Grandpa Feng know each other. It's the Chinese New Year. Let me bring some gifts to Grandpa Feng."

Hearing the words, the old man answered, "Da Yu is a very considerate kid, he brings me things every year."

"Aooooooooow..." Xiaobao begged for a hug at Tong Yao's feet, Tong Yao bent down to pick him up, and rubbed his head with his hands.

Xiao Yijin slightly squinted her eyes and stared at Dayu with cold eyes.

Just live in this neighborhood?

As long as the weather is good, Yaoyao will go for a walk with Xiaobao every day, and now it's a holiday again, so the two of them won't meet by then, right?
From the first time we met, he didn't have a good impression of this Dayu, and he was happy with everyone all day long.

The most important thing is that Yaoyao still doesn't dislike his contact...

Several people chatted for a long time before Dayu left home.

Tong Yao went upstairs with Xiaobao in her arms, and just as she stepped into the room, someone followed her behind.

And with a murderous look on his face.

"Xiao Yijin, what are you crazy about?" Tong Yao took a toy to play with Xiaobao, but Xiao Yijin's face became more and more ugly.

"Answer me first, if I don't come today, will you also rush up to play games with others?" Xiao Yijin's voice was cold and whizzing, which sounded a bit scary.

Tong Yao was slightly taken aback, it turned out that this guy was in a bad mood because of this matter.

Seeing that the nursery rhyme was silent for a long time, Xiao Yijin asked again: "Then after five rounds of the game, you have to hold hands. Haven't you thought about my feelings?"

"Stop, I didn't know that I had to hold hands all the time before I came on stage. Besides, if I knew that I had to hold hands with other boys to complete the game, then I would definitely quit. Don't be jealous of these messes, okay?" Nursery rhyme is really a headache, this guy is usually very calm, but as soon as he gets jealous, he will immediately lose his mind.

It feels like IQ has run away, leaving only the IQ of a few-year-old child.

He just cared too much about her, so he couldn't allow her to have any contact with other men, just like what Wu Jie said before, he said that he fell in love and became not like himself.

But he is a little hesitant now, and he is also worried that if he is like this, he will bring trouble to the nursery rhyme.

Nursery Rhyme threw the ball in her hand, and Xiaobao went after him. She stood up and walked to him, and said softly: "Don't worry, since I chose you, I will keep a distance from other opposite sex, just Our jealous king is great, although being jealous is good for your health, but eating too much vinegar is not good for your health."

After the words fell, Tong Yao was hugged by someone. He lowered his head and stared at her with his deep eyes. After a long time, he slowly said, "You said you want to thank me, so... is it now?"

Hearing this, Tong Yao nodded lightly: "Okay, you can do it now, but you may have to wait for me for a few minutes, and then you have to lock Xiaobao up."

Xiao Yijin didn't expect Tongyao to agree so readily, and she couldn't believe it: "Yaoyao, do you really want to understand?"

"Well, don't be inked, just wait for me here, I'll be back soon." After speaking, Tong Yao walked out with Xiaobao in her arms.

Standing in the room, looking at the empty room, Xiao Yijin felt that it was too unreal.

He was sweating while playing the game just now, so he should take a shower first. Ruo Ruo said that if he was asked to wait for a few minutes, he should also take a shower.

(End of this chapter)

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