Chapter 537 New Year's Eve Money

What does Du Chuan mean?
He meant that even if he knew Wu Jie was a man, he wouldn't let him go?
Thinking of this possibility, the corners of Tong Yao's mouth rose infinitely, revealing a series of wicked smiles: "Hehehe..."

I really don't know what that guy Wu Jie will think when he sees this thousand-mile sound transmission at this moment.

You won't be scared to pee right away?

It's just that she really didn't expect that Du Chuan, who is so tough, could actually say such a thing, don't say it, these words seem strangely imposing.

I don't know if Du Chuan knows now that Wu Jie's tuba is a kidney treasure, what if he comes to ask himself?
Did she say it, or didn't she say it?

If you don't say it, it will seem too uninteresting. After all, I have already concealed something from Wu Xiaojie before, if I don't say it this time, it seems not good.

But if he said it, Wu Jie would faint from anger.

"Ding Dong." Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, just thought of Wu Jie, did not expect this guy's message has already been sent.

Wu Jie: "Goddess? Goddess? Boss? Help, if Du Chuan comes to ask you, you must not tell him who I am."

Nursery rhyme: "You think he is stupid, he wouldn't associate Wu Jie with Wu Xiaojie before, it was because he didn't know Wu Xiaojie was a man, but now he knows your gender, do you think...he still can't guess you Who is it?"

Seeing this message, Wu Jie rubbed his head in pain, knowing that he would not go down and say that sentence.

The main reason is that he heard from a buddy in the community that Du Chuan actually printed out the childhood photo he sent and pasted it on the car window. If his parents went out to see it tomorrow morning, wouldn't it be the end of it?
Therefore, he had to let Du Chuan go.

Originally, he thought that he knew that he was a man, so this matter could be over, and the marriage in the game was also divorced, who knew that he would come out like that.

When school starts, this guy will probably go straight to the school to surround him, and he doesn't know what will happen by then.

The more I think about it, the more I feel a headache.

On the other hand, Tong Yao was worried about being tortured by Du Chuan in a while, so she went offline immediately.

Early the next morning, Xiao Yijin took the morning flight back to City D.

Lao Yu and Tong Yao were busy cooking a New Year's Eve dinner together. Although Tong Yao was just laying hands on it most of the time, the New Year's atmosphere was good.

At the dinner table, Tong Yao served soup for the old man and Lao Yu, but the old man suddenly took out a red envelope, handed it to Tong Yao, and said with a smile, "Yao Yao, this is the lucky money, so be safe every year."

Lao Yu also took out the red envelope in his pocket: "Miss, you are safe every year."

In that instant, Tong Yao's nose turned sour, and tears filled her eyes. Ever since her mother passed away, she had never received lucky money.

"Don't cry, don't cry, it's unlucky to cry during the New Year's Eve." The old man snatched Lao Yu's red envelope and stuffed it directly into the nursery rhyme's hand, and said with a smile: "In the past days, don't cry again." Think about it, you, Uncle Yu and I will accompany you in the future."

"Well, thank you Grandpa, thank you Uncle Yu." These two red envelopes made Tong Yao's heart very warm.

She is a very strong person, and she never thought that one day she would almost shed tears because of the two red envelopes. Although she developed a thin temper when she was in Tong's house, deep down in her heart, she still yearns for Dear ones.

(End of this chapter)

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