Chapter 544 I miss you
Listening to the broadcast, Lao Zhang felt a little guilty. He was just talking casually, but who would have thought that it would be right.

Xiao Yijin scratched her hair a little irritably, took out her mobile phone to check the tickets for the high-speed train, and found that none of them had tickets.

"Master, in fact, you don't have to rush back in such a hurry. Miss Tong is not the kind of person who can be easily fooled away. Think about it, you are such an excellent person, it took a lot of effort to chase Miss Tong. Those dudes Ms. Tong probably doesn't like it, let's go back first, wait for the snow to stop in the capital tomorrow, and then we'll see if the flight can fly normally." Lao Zhang understands the anxiety Xiao Yijin is feeling in his heart at this time, and the young master is in the eyes of others. He is the proud son of heaven, but in his relationship with Tong Yao, he is actually somewhat insecure.

"I understand what you mean, okay, let's go back." Xiao Yijin didn't know why, and had some inexplicable resistance to that Dayu from the first time they met.

In the car, Xiao Yijin remained silent as always.

After observing Xiao Yijin for a long time, Lao Zhang finally said calmly: "Master, actually, I don't think you need to be so nervous about Miss Tong, you should give her some space, since she chooses to be with you, then she will Keep a distance from other opposite sexes, you should believe that she can handle these relationships well, although if you are jealous she will know that you care about her, but if you want to tie her by your side too much, it may have the opposite effect."

Xiao Yijin listened silently, did not speak, and tapped her legs with the fingers of both hands.

Seeing that Xiao Yijin did not refute, Lao Zhang went on to say: "Miss Tong is different from the other girls. If you let her have no space of her own, she might feel tired. Love is not possession, master. You will understand."

In fact, Xiao Yijin also understood what Lao Zhang said.

But many times, what you think in your mind is one thing, but it becomes another thing in action.

Xiao Yijin felt a little confused in his mind, and when he got home, he went straight back to his room.

Unknowingly fell asleep, and later he was woken up by nursery rhyme's video call, he turned over to connect to the video, and then heard nursery rhyme's happy voice: "Hahahaha...Xiao Yijin, look at your son... "

The depressed mood was relieved at once, just because of what she said, your son...

Still, this ugly girl has a conscience and knows that she is Xiaobao's father.

After she finished speaking, she pointed the video at Xiaobao, who was sitting on the ground with a blanket on her face, shaking with a mournful face, thinking to herself, why am I so numb?

Xiao Yijin could see clearly that Xiaobao's hair was not completely dried, so she asked, "What bad thing did he do?"

Nursery rhyme: "Today we caught a lot of fish and came back. Grandpa kept them in the fish tank outside. Little Treasure went to the edge of the fish tank to catch fish, and then fell into it..."

"Oh, Yao Yao, I miss you." Xiao Yijin said this suddenly, which caught Tong Yao a little off guard.

She didn't turn the video back to face herself, "Didn't I tell you, come and see me if you miss me?"

As soon as Xiao Yijin mentioned this, she became angry: "If it weren't for the cancellation of the flight, I would have come early. That Dayu, who doesn't go to control the water every day, always hits my wife, giving gifts, New Year's greetings, and fishing. Next time, will he Want to invite you to a movie?"

After finishing speaking, the old man pushed open the door and shouted into the room: "Yuanyao, that boy Dayu asked if you want to be with him tomorrow..."

Before the old man finished speaking, he heard someone's irritable voice: "No!"

(End of this chapter)

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