Chapter 548 Watching Movies on Video

Just as he was about to dial out, he hesitated again, no, he can't make a call, he wanted to surprise his girl.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yijin sent a WeChat message to Tong Yao: Miss, can I invite you to watch a movie?
Nursery rhyme: Yes, when?
Xiao Yijin: Tomorrow.

Nursery Rhyme: Where to See You?

Xiao Yijin: Wanda Cinemas, when the time comes to watch the video together?
Nursery rhyme: Uh huh, okay, my lady wants a huge popcorn.

Xiao Yijin: Arrange arrangements, we have everything you want.

After sending the message, Tong Yao couldn't help complaining about Xiao, who even watched a movie on video, thanks to him thinking of it.

Can you think of a more unreliable reason?
At three o'clock in the afternoon the next day, two hours before registration, Xiao Yijin and Lao Zhang had already completed the check-in procedures and passed the security check.

Lao Zhang was a little mad, but he couldn't say it directly, so he asked tactfully, "Master, why did we come so early?"

Xiao Yijin said without changing her face: "What if I miss the flight? Do you know how many days I haven't seen Yaoyao?"

Lao Zhang felt bitter, but Lao Zhang didn't say anything.

I met on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, today is the fourth day of the Lunar New Year... that's all...

Besides, they really came too early.

The plane will only be delayed, and I have never heard of any flight that took off early?

The flight Xiao Yijin and the others took was delayed for half an hour, and finally took off normally.

Along the way, Xiao Yijin was imagining all kinds of nursery rhymes on her expression when she saw her. She should go to Wanda, right?
According to the time they agreed upon, they got off the plane and rushed there, the time should be just right.

When the plane landed, it was still very cold in the imperial capital. Lao Zhang followed Xiao Yijin and said anxiously, "Master, I have already selected flowers and gifts for you, and that person is already waiting for you at the gate of Wanda."

"Flowers and gifts?" Subconsciously said, Lao Zhang who was standing by the side supported his forehead speechlessly.

Then he said silently: "Master, are you going to go empty-handed?"

Xiao Yijin was upright: "No, I plan to buy a big popcorn."

Old Zhang: "..."

Lao Zhang: "The types of flowers and gifts are all suggested by my wife. Compared with Xiao Zihan, I think my wife should be more reliable."

Is Miss Ting reliable?

Xiao Yijin expressed doubts.

The most unreliable one is Sister Ting.

When the two of them arrived outside Wanda Studios, someone brought them a gift. The flower was Platycodon grandiflora. Xiao Yijin remembered that Nursery Rhyme seemed to really like this flower, but how did Sister Ting know?
After taking the gift and flowers, Xiao Yijin took out her mobile phone and started sending a wechat message to nursery rhymes: Miss, what hall are you in?
Nursery Rhyme: In Hall [-], there is a ticket left for you at the ticket gate.

Seeing this message, Xiao Yijin narrowed her eyes and left him a ticket at the ticket gate. Did she know that she was coming?

No, he has been pretending to be very good all the time, okay...

Full of doubts, Xiao Yijin went to the ticket gate to collect the ticket, but the staff at the ticket gate said that no one had reserved the ticket for him.

Xiao Yijin naturally didn't want to get entangled in this kind of thing, so she bought two tickets and walked in with Lao Zhang.

I looked down at the ticket, hall 5, three rows of six seats.

Thinking about seeing the nursery rhyme later, Xiao Yijin became a little excited.

The ugly girl will be very happy to see her coming.

Walking to the door of Hall No. [-], there was a burst of laughter from inside. This film was originally a Lunar New Year comedy film, with a high attendance rate, and the light inside was very dark. Xiao Yijin couldn't confirm the location of the nursery rhyme at all.

(End of this chapter)

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