Chapter 564 Unreasonable
"Self-respect? You want me to be self-respecting, why don't you let Brother Xiao be self-respecting? He was so drunk on his birthday night, did he forget what happened between us? If I tell nursery rhymes all this, what do you think she will think? She is like that Can a proud woman tolerate her man having sex with other women?"

"Qin Yiyi! What the fuck are you talking about! When did I have sex with you!" Xiao Yijin remembered the drunkenness at the birthday party. Zhuang Yi and the others got him drunk and slept all night in the hotel.

But even if he was drunk, he didn't drink the shard, and he still remembered what happened that night.

It was Zhuang Yi and Ah Zui who sent him to the hotel room. From the beginning to the end, Qin Yiyi had nothing to do with him. At that time, he even hated the touch of his own sister Xiao Zihan, so how could it be possible for Qin Yiyi, a woman, to get close to him? .

"You are so drunk that you don't remember, but it doesn't mean it didn't happen. If you treat me better, I can consider not telling the nursery rhyme, or believe it or not, I will send a message to tell her all this!" Qin Yiyi said It is certain that Xiao Yijin does not have any evidence to prove it, because there is no way to verify what happened more than two years ago.

Even if Xiao Yijin is a master hacker, he still has no way to find out the hotel surveillance so long ago.

Because the hotel has no way to keep such long-term monitoring records.

There were a lot of people that night. She went to find Xiao Yijin, but the door was locked and she couldn't get in, so she lied to the cleaning staff beside her that she was Xiao Yijin's girlfriend, and she couldn't get in without the room card, so the person told her She opened the door.

Although Zhuang Yi came after she went in for a while, even if Xiao Yijin asked Zhuang Yi, Zhuang Yi would tell him that he had indeed been to his room that night. In this way, wouldn't there be a gap between the nursery rhymes and Xiao Yijin before?
"If you tell her, she won't believe it. It's not that I don't want to hit you, I'm just afraid of getting my hands dirty." After saying this, Xiao Yijin strode away, and walked up the stairs without even waiting for the elevator. He will clean up this woman when he is free. He is busy now.

Qin Yiyi stood in place and looked in the direction of the safety exit for a long time. Finally, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she walked into the elevator with graceful steps.

In the car, Xiao Yijin rubbed her head a little irritably, and said coldly, "Old Zhang, were you there when I celebrated my birthday? Did Qin Yiyi really go to my room that night?"

Hearing this, Lao Zhang said weakly: "Master, have you really forgotten? I stopped you from drinking a lot that day, and I passed out before you, and went to rest early, but I heard about it. Young Master Zhuang mentioned that Qin Yiyi seemed to have been to your room, but nothing happened to you. He sent you hangover medicine and drove her out when Qin Yiyi was there. At that time, both of you were fully dressed and nothing happened What."

"Oh." Even though Xiao Yijin knew that nothing happened that day, she was still a little worried. After all, the hotel surveillance couldn't find it. Qin Yiyi just said it with one mouth, and there was no one else to prove it.

Qin Yiyi wasn't like this when she was a child, but she didn't know when, he was no longer the little girl in his memory, and became more and more unreasonable.

The dormitory was about to be closed, Tong Yao received a call from Xiao Yijin and told her to go downstairs.

She trotted downstairs and saw him standing under the tree at the door of the dormitory, with a smile on his face: "Come, supper."

(End of this chapter)

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