The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 569 I want to spend more time with you

Chapter 569 I want to spend more time with you

But the nursery rhyme at the side was startled by Jiang Ya's question. She and...Xiao Yijin took this class together?

Forget it, forget it...

"Ding dong." The WeChat message notification sounded for a while, and Nursery Rhyme logged into WeChat with a computer, so he saw Xiao's message at a glance: Ma'am, I want to give you some advice about elective courses.

When Tong Yao thought of the course that Jiang Ya just said, she replied directly: I have already thought about what I want to choose.

Xiao Yijin: I don’t know if you are thinking about the same course as I am thinking about.

Nursery rhyme: Do you still take elective courses in your junior year?

Xiao Yijin: I don't have enough credits, I need electives to make up for it.

Seeing this, Nursery Rhyme knew that someone was lying. Listening to Wu Jie, this guy is not a super student, but he is also one of the top students, and he has won many awards in various large-scale activities in the school. Credits, how could the credits not be enough.

Nursery Rhyme: Nonsense.

Xiao Yijin: Actually, I just want to spend more time with you.

Nursery rhyme: You have been with me for a long time, and you also have your own things to do, so don't take time out to be with me deliberately.

Xiao Yijin: No, being with you is the most important thing.

Looking at his message, Tong Yao smiled and was about to reply, but the dormitory was suddenly pitch black...the lights were turned off.

While chatting, I forgot.

Tong Yao took the phone and returned a message to Xiao Yijin, but the second she put down the phone, she received a message from Yun Zilei.

This is already the Nth time he sent a message in the past few days, and the first sentence is: "I am Yun Zilei..."

She blocked Yun Zilei's many numbers, but he can always change the number and send a message again.

For this person, Nursery Rhyme really didn't want to have anything to do with him, so he deleted the message without reading it.

Lying on the bed, nursery rhymes tossed and turned, even though she didn't care about many things, the actions of Qin Yiyi and Yun Zilei kept reminding her that a certain conspiracy was about to surface.

Especially recently, Yun Zilei always sent messages over and over again, insinuating about certain things, but he always didn't explain things clearly, leaving a lot of room for imagination.

And the more this is the case, the more it can affect people's thoughts.

She believed enough that Xiao Yijin, Xiao Yijin and Xiao Yan represented the image of the entire Xianmeng Game Company. If Yun Zilei and Qin Yiyi really jumped the wall and did something, the consequences would be disastrous.

After all, Yun Zilei always felt that Xiao Yijin was responsible for the end of Yunfeng Group, so his hatred for Xiao Yijin can be imagined.

The more she thinks about nursery rhymes, the more she can't fall asleep, no, tomorrow she must find out what Qin Yiyi and Yun Zilei are doing behind the scenes, and she must not sit still.

After class the next day, Tong Yao walked out of the classroom and looked around subconsciously. He didn't see Xiao Yijin, but Wu Jie ran over in a panic: "Tong Yao, help!"

Jiang Ya, who was standing beside Nursery Rhyme, looked at Wu Jie's cowardice, and was amused: "Wu Jie, you don't mean you owe someone money and ask my fairy to borrow money?"

Hearing this, Wu Jie said with a sad face, "It would be great if this could be solved with money."

Listening to Wu Jie's words, Jiang Ya immediately pricked up her ears, and asked gossipingly, "Then what scares you so much?"

Hearing this, Wu Jie looked downstairs nervously, then pulled Tong Yao and Jiang Ya aside, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, Wu Jie said weakly: "Du Chuan... Come, it's downstairs."

 Good night, I will add more tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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