Chapter 580 You Are Really Cruel
Staring at the neatly folded note in front of her for a long time, Tong Yao didn't raise her hand to take it. She turned her head and glanced at Chen Qing. He covered his mouth with a tissue and was coughing. she.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Tong Yao didn't take the note, got up and walked out.

Jiang Ya turned her head to look at the note, grabbed the note in the palm of her hand, quickly walked towards the nursery rhyme and asked, "Do you want to take a look, in case there is something wrong with him?"

"No, you throw it away, I don't want to have any more interaction with him." A person who is different from the outside is destined to be not a simple person.

He pretended to be harmless on the surface, but behind his back he helped himself choose courses. Needless to say, he must have helped her choose the same courses as him.

This made Tong Yao feel very uncomfortable, she never liked irrelevant people meddling in her affairs.


Seeing that Tong Yao's expression was not right, Jiang Ya casually threw the note into the trash can at the stairs.

Standing by the window, Chen Qing watched Tong Yao's back disappearing at the corner of the stairs, and said softly: "You are really cruel."

There was a faint smile on his face, but that smile didn't reach his eyes.

Until the crowd cleared, Qi San quickly walked into the classroom, slightly bent towards Chen Qing: "Master."

"You're here, did you bring anything?" Chen Qing's voice was so cold that there was no warmth, but Qi San was already used to it.

Qi San stepped forward quickly, and put a file bag in front of Chen Qing: "This is all the information about Ms. Tong that can be found so far, and what's more, our group is in contact with Xianmeng Game Company, and it seems that it is about to A cooperation has been reached."

"Cooperation?" Chen Qing smiled, and that cold smile made Qi San's heart beat a little.

After a while, Qi San added: "Master said, as long as you are willing to go back, if you don't want the company to cooperate with Xianmeng Games, he can also cancel the cooperation."

"I don't care about your affairs, I only care about mine, cough cough..." Chen Qing coughed a few more times after speaking, he stood up, picked up the file bag, and strode outside.

As he walked, he opened the file bag. The information inside was very detailed. It even recorded that Tong Manlin took Tong Manlin to bully Tong Yao in junior high school.

The nursery rhymes in junior high school have already come out very well. Although they are irrelevant and immature, they are the focus of the crowd no matter where they go.

That's it, Tong Manlin was envious and jealous, and often took some girls to bully Tong Yao. At first, Tong Yao was unprepared and was bullied a few times, but later Tong Manlin bullied them all back, and even caught the snake that Tong Manlin asked someone to stuff in her bag. Stuffed it into Tong Manlin's pocket.

Since then, no one in that junior high school dared to bully nursery rhymes again.

The way they looked at her was like looking at a devil.

Looking at everything about nursery rhymes since she was a child, Chen Qing smiled slowly. A junior high school girl who catches snakes with her bare hands is really courageous.

He was right.

She was that, just like him.

Because they have the same past, dark childhood and teenage years, they are the same people.

They should come together to keep each other warm.

Chen Qing took out the photos of nursery rhymes and carefully placed them close to her body. Her steps became much lighter. No matter what happened now, sooner or later, he would get her.

He will let her understand that only he is the one who can communicate with her heart.

After returning to the dormitory, Tong Yao climbed directly to the bed and started her lunch break. She didn't sleep well last night, but this morning she felt a little headache again. She swallowed a headache medicine, lay down and fell asleep drowsily.

Tong Yao fell asleep, but Jiang Ya woke up more and more awake after lying down for a long time.

She couldn't fall asleep, so she started to read the school post, it didn't matter if she didn't read it, it scared her out of her mind.

The most popular post in the school right now is titled "The pure goddess has actually given birth to an illegitimate child".

(End of this chapter)

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