The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 591 Playing Mahjong and Fighting the Landlord

Chapter 591 Playing Mahjong and Fighting the Landlord
Since her identity as a menswear tycoon was exposed at the end of last year, her popularity has continued to rise, and everyone's curiosity about her has remained high. This time, she actually wants to appear in an official event, which is very exciting for fans and many passers-by. is very much looking forward to.

The Jiugongge posted by the official blog, but looking around, nursery rhyme is the most beautiful boy among the nine.

Since ancient times, whether it is in the entertainment industry or the live broadcast industry, the debate on fan positions has never stopped.

Several anchors who became popular earlier than the nursery rhymes did not appear in the first round of official announcements, so the fans of those anchors began to play monsters in the comment area.

"What the hell is this guest officer? Fans are all boasting about her looks, why can't I get her beauty at all?"

"Cheating, it's definitely cheating, otherwise why don't you dare to turn on the camera after live broadcasting for several years."

"How long has she been popular, why should she announce it before our brother!"

"When you hear her name, it's green tea!"

"Now the fans are washing the floor all the time, I want to see what it looks like when this face falls off the altar on the red carpet?"


Everyone discussed fiercely, but the nursery rhymes were still broadcast live happily.

Fan: "Big guest officer, those little bitches on Weibo are starting to hack you, we need to organize people to crush them."

Nursery rhyme ate melon seeds with peace of mind: "Calm down, what are you teaching with a group of elementary school students?"

Fan: "Brother Guest Officer, you have a big heart. You are now the No. 15 streamer in the Xianmeng game area. In terms of popularity, you are also the top [-] streamers on the entire platform. If you don't respond, you will be bullied like that?"

Nursery rhyme: "Bullying? What did they bully me? They will only ruin their master's popularity by cursing others. You are not allowed to fight with others. A civilized society must be harmonious and friendly."

Everyone: "..."

Fan: "Then we can't just watch others scold you and do nothing?"

After hearing the words, Tong Yao thought for a while, then smiled and said, "You can talk to them about life and ideals, or go to the comment area to play mahjong and fight the landlord or something."

Everyone: "..."

Go to the Weibo comment area to play Mahjong and Fight the Landlord?Well, they lost.

Although Tong Yao doesn't understand the weird logic of the live broadcast circle, she is also someone who has been in the fan circle. At this time, it is best for fans to keep silent. If they scold, the matter will expand.

And those people who keep swearing on Weibo will only bring bad influence to their idols. Besides, Tongyao has never regarded herself as a celebrity. She regards everyone watching the live broadcast as a brother. It's just brothers who play games and chat together.

Nursery rhymes don’t like to ask people to give gifts, but many times it is very strange, the more you tell people not to give gifts, those children will give gifts.

And some anchors yelled out their throats, hoping that fans would send gifts, but no one responded.

An hour later, Nursery Rhyme was live broadcasting the dungeon of Hell difficulty, but Jiang Ya suddenly burst into laughter: "Fuck, hahahaha, Nursery Rhyme, your fans are so funny, I laughed to death..."

The nursery rhyme was a bit lost, but the eyes did not move away from the computer screen. This level of difficulty should not be taken lightly: "What's wrong with my fans?"

Jiang Ya smiled and ran over with her mobile phone in her hand and said, "I just heard that you asked your fans to play Mahjong and Fight the Landlord in the comment area of ​​the official blog just now. The comment section below the Maoya live broadcast official blog is occupied by your fans, and everyone below is playing Mahjong and Fighting the Landlord..."

(End of this chapter)

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