Chapter 614 You Are A Liar
As a result, it didn't take long for Little Gummy and the others to get dizzy from drinking. Nursery Rhyme, who hadn't even touched a drop of alcohol, was full of energy, and the more they played, the better they became...

The phone rang, Tong Yao clicked on it, and it was a message from someone Xiao: Yao Yao, are you still at the reception?I'll be right there, is anyone giving you a hard time?

Nursery rhyme: It's okay, there are two reliable big brothers who blocked the wine for me, if you can't make it, don't come, Lao Yu is still waiting for me, I will go back with him in a while.

Xiao Yijin: I promised you to come, I will definitely come.

Seeing this, Tong Yao yawned lightly, and continued to play games with them, drinking glass after glass of wine, Little Gummy and the others couldn't hold on anymore.

They didn't ask for anything, and they got drunk, which is not what they want.

Seeing that the three of them were a little drunk, Nursery Rhyme said: "I see that you are almost drunk, let's stop here today, I really want to go back."

"No, you can't go. You haven't answered our question yet. Are you really the heir of Feng's Winery? If you are really the heir of Feng's Winery, why do you still want to be the anchor?" Little Gummy If she didn't ask for an answer, she felt uncomfortable, and dragged the nursery rhyme to prevent her from leaving.

Seeing her reluctance, Tong Yao frowned slightly: "I am the heir of Feng's Liquor Industry, but broadcasting is my profession. I don't think there is any conflict between the two."

"You have nothing to prove, how do you prove that you are the heir of Feng's Liquor?" Cherry asked aggressively.

"Then how do you prove that you are the biological daughters of your parents?" Tong Yao was really upset. Although in the anchor circle, some people would lie about their family backgrounds to the outside world, but whether he was right or not, and with these women in front of him what is the relationship?
Is it okay to have half a dime?

Listening to the nursery rhyme question, the three women present fell silent.

Seeing this, Tong Yao stood up slowly and said, "Yuanzi, Brother Qiang, thank you for today, I'm going first."

"You are a liar, how can you believe what you say? Didn't you lie to your fans for two or three years, saying that you are a man? You have even become the number one wrench in Xianmeng game, but in the end, you are a woman , you are a liar who deceives fans, so you don’t know how much of the identity and love relationship you are talking about is true or false, don’t you know?” Little Gummy has been in this circle for many years, if it wasn’t for later After getting to know a high-ranking official from Maoya Live, she probably won't be able to get ahead now.

But nursery rhyme, relying on this face, unexpectedly became popular without any effort.

And she stole her own limelight on the red carpet!
Listening to Little Gummy's words, Nursery Rhyme's eyes sank: "I have concealed my gender from fans, but I have never used my identity to deceive them. I took them to the next book, and I wrote them Raiders, gave them red envelopes, and told them many times not to give me gifts, I think I have never felt sorry for them.”

"And after my identity was exposed, I apologized to my fans, and those who wanted a refund doubled their money back. They all forgave me, and then this matter was overturned. In other words, the relationship between me and my fans It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you." Nursery Rhyme's tone was a little cold, and his expression was a little ugly.

"As for my love relationship, it has nothing to do with you." After speaking, Tong Yao pulled the chair away and left.

(End of this chapter)

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