Chapter 622 Rhythm Master!

"If you want to say that this game has support, don't you think the boss is the support? Every time there is a recharge rebate event, he leads the rhythm the most fiercely. Every time there is a box opening activity, he is the one who leads the most fierce rhythm! The whole thing is A master of rhythm!" After Xiaojian said this with a smile, he turned to continue playing the game.

Who knew that Xiao Yijin would say in a cold voice: "I am the trustee of my own game, what's the problem?"

Wu Jie and the three shook their heads in unison: "No, not at all, there is no problem at all."

Sun Yi: "The problem is that the guest officer is really a bit scary when he is fierce. The few words she just made sounded murderous to me. Boss, have you ever been bullied? Your family status is still okay now." Is it?"

family status...

When Xiao Yijin mentioned this, she felt a little headache, but in front of Wu Jie and the others, she must not lose face.

After thinking about it, Xiao said lightly, "No one can shake my position as the head of the family."

"Wow, I didn't expect that. I think the guest officer is such a strong person. The boss can still hold power. You can do it!" Wu Jie said exaggeratedly, but Sun Yi and Xiaojian smiled silently. turned around.

Since ancient times, affectionate polygamous slaves, their boss who is super affectionate must be a super wife slave.

It's just that he's their boss, he can't be exposed, and he has to protect his face.

This matter was resolved cleanly, and many people who made small moves in the league settled down.

Some sects that did not want to be restrained peacefully withdrew from the alliance, but several of the top ten sects in this server chose to stay, and the relationship between several sects became increasingly close. Jinghong joined forces with some sects and officially became hostile to Qi Shi Tian Xia.

A new pattern has begun.

On this day, Tong Yao had just finished downloading the booklet with Wu Jie and the others, and was about to make a copy of the sectarian copy, but Wu Jie quit the army in a second and retreated to the sect's residence.

Nursery rhyme was very speechless, so he sent him a message: "What are you doing? What are you hiding in the sect's residence?"

Wu Jie: "It's your good brother, he tricked me!"

Seeing this information, Tong Yao couldn't help laughing. To be honest, Du Chuan has played tricks on this guy a long time ago, and it's not the first time he has played tricks. Why did Wu Jie react so strongly?

Nursery rhyme: "He tricks you. It's not safe for you to hide in the sect's residence. He can invade the sect's residence and beat you."

Wu Jie really wanted to tear his mouth apart, what did he say that day!
After thinking for a while, Wu Jie typed: "It would be great if he came to kill me. Even if he came to kill me hundreds of times, I would kill him. At worst, I would just repair the equipment, but he didn't come to kill me!"

Hearing this, the nursery rhyme became interesting: "Tell me quickly, how did he trick you? You can tell me clearly, if I miss any details, I may I can't help you."

Wu Jie was in a hurry, shivering in the grass of the sect's residence, and then told the nursery rhyme everything that happened that day when he went to find Du Chuan to join the alliance.

Sitting in front of the computer, Nursery Yao suddenly laughed out loud, "Hahahahaha..."

Jiang Ya, who was eating supper, was inexplicably frightened and trembled, "My fairy, can you have a little image?"

"Look at this message sent by Wu Jie, and then decide whether to laugh or not. Hahaha, Wu Jie is so stupid and sweet. I laughed so hard." The nursery rhyme laughed so hard that tears came out, but she didn't expect that Du Chuan This guy actually has such a scheming mind, I really underestimated him before.

(End of this chapter)

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