Chapter 630 Planning their trip

"Cut." Tong Yao gave him a disgusted look and stopped talking, continuing to play her own game.

Xiao Yijin sat and looked at Tong Yao's quiet side face, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, the May Day holiday is coming soon, I am really looking forward to that day.

This was the first time for him and the ugly girl to travel abroad, so they had to plan carefully and nothing could go wrong.

There are new activities in the game in the past few days. Tong Yao has been busy collecting compliments and limited cloaks all day long, sending out links everywhere. Jiang Ya is worried to death every day.

This day, she just fell asleep and sent a link to the nursery rhyme: Hurry up, Xiaoya, give me a like, and there is a link in the map to hunt for treasure.

Jiang Ya: My fairy, when will your event end? I don’t know who made the link for your event. There are so many real and fake treasures on that treasure hunting page. Every time I look for treasures, my eyes will go blind .

Nursery rhyme: Hurry up and help me find it, I will buy you a set of your favorite cosmetics when I get the cloak.

Seeing the three words of cosmetics, Jiang Ya immediately sent a voice with a smile: "Fairy, I love you the most, I will immediately forward it to my family Xiao Fengfeng and ask him to help in the treasure hunt!"

"Cut, you're dead." After Tong Yao finished sending the message, she threw the phone aside.

Every time you collect likes and collect scraps to exchange things, it is the most labor-intensive. Although many game players have organized some like groups, some players are very unscrupulous. If you help him click, he will never return Point, I have been busy for a long time to hide so few likes.

And this time, the fairy dream has become even more difficult. Last year, the same activity of collecting fragments for things only needed [-] treasure fragments to exchange for rare mounts, but this year it actually required [-] treasure fragments...

It's really cheating.

After thinking about it, nursery rhyme sent a message to Xiao Yijin: Xiao Yijin, it's too tricky to change your pieces for mounts this time, five hundred pieces, many people can't change them within the specified time.

Xiao Yijin: As long as you persist in digging enough fragments every day, you can exchange them. Our technical department designed this amount, so there is a reason for its existence. Madam, how many fragments are you short of?
Looking down at the number of his fragments, it was only 120. Nursery Rhyme simply didn't bother to talk to Xiao Yijin, so he quickly sent the old man and Lao Yu the link to collect likes and treasure hunt, then opened the door and ran downstairs slowly.

She wasn't worried about Lao Yu, he definitely would.

But the old man had to do it herself, otherwise it would be a waste of an IP.

The old man, who was lying on the sofa watching TV, yawned when he saw the nursery rhyme coming down, and said, "Yaoyao, in fact, you don't have to stay on campus. I can let your Uncle Yu pick you up every day, and then come back the next day." Just let him send you to school, otherwise you won't come back until Friday, and I will be alone."

Tong Yao walked over and picked up the old man's mobile phone, unlocked it skillfully, and then clicked on WeChat to start the treasure hunt: "If I go home every day, how early will I have to get up the next day, besides, I still have elective courses at night Well, didn't you play games all the time when I was at home?"

Listening to the nursery rhyme, the old man muttered dissatisfiedly: "I have shortened my playing time now."

At this time, Tong Yao was seriously hunting for treasure with her mobile phone, so she didn't have time to talk to the old man.

The old man read the nursery rhymes for a while, then suddenly reached out and stroked his little beard and said coolly, "I heard that you and that boy Yijin are going out to play during the May Day holiday?"

(End of this chapter)

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