Chapter 662
Listening to the nursery rhyme, Xiao Liu suddenly felt his hairs stand on end, it's over, it's over, what should come is still here.

He weakly looked at the direction of the camera, and then said pitifully: "Guest officer, for the sake of my seriousness in power leveling for you, please forgive me."

In fact, Koyanagi is very handsome despite having nothing to do with it, but she still looks a bit sloppy with this slovenly appearance.

Seeing Xiao Liu's cowardice, some fans in the live broadcast room also started talking.

"Look at his hair, he's going to be bald in a few years, right? Baldness is really a standard for programmers."

"Am I the only one who thinks he looks pretty good?"

"I think it's okay."

"Actually, I thought the staff of Xianmeng Game Company were very tidy and energetic. This guy is really sloppy."

"And, it's really cowardly..."


Xiao Liu has been begging Tong Yao for mercy, but he never thought that Tong Yao would broadcast him like this live. He squatted on the chair, clasped his hands together, and said pitifully, "Big guest officer, your lord has a lot to do." Don't worry about it like a small one, if you tell our boss to file a complaint, I will lose my bonus."


So this guy is so cowardly because he is worried about his bonus being deducted?

"If you want others to know you have to do nothing, even if I don't tell your boss, won't he know the good things you have done these days? In fact, it is not impossible for me to forgive you, as long as you sing to me A few songs, once I am happy, I may let it go." After the nursery rhyme finished speaking, she grinned and almost laughed out loud.


Although Xiao Liu is tone deaf, she is still a KTV Maiba.

Besides, there are only him and Goudan in the office now, and there is only nursery rhyme on the opposite side of the camera. If she can get her forgiveness by singing a few songs, then it can't be more cost-effective.

"Boss guest officer, let me tell you, I am the human jukebox of our Xianmeng Technology Department. As long as you can click on it, I can show you a show. Not only can I sing, but I can also dance." After speaking, Xiao Liu actually stood up and adjusted the camera, then pushed the chair away, and seriously made a concave shape.

Jiang Ya, who stood watching the fun, almost couldn't help laughing out loud, but luckily she covered her mouth in time.

I really admire nursery rhymes, but they can still think of such a way to get revenge. If Xiao Liu knew that he was performing in front of 10,000+ audiences, would he choose to slam his head against the wall to death?

Xiaoliu's sand sculpture made nursery rhymes a bit unbearable to look at directly. At this time, fans in the live broadcast room had already started requesting songs.

"The guest official of "Itch", ask him to sing "Itch"! The kind that sings and dances at the same time!"

""Egg Throwing Song"!"

Nursery rhyme stared at her eyes: "Children's shoes, I don't read much, so don't lie to me. I've only heard "Song of Shaking Onions". What the hell is "Song of Shaking Eggs"?"

Fan: "You can search and find out."

Tong Yao silently took out her phone, searched, and found... What the hell?
There really are...

This year's fans are really cultured.

However, this is not the end at all.

"The Banknote Represents My Heart!"

"The Story of Yitian Slaying Dinosaurs!"

"The Hooligans Are Confessing Too!"


Seeing a list of song titles that he had never heard before, Tong Yao felt that he had a generation gap with his fans for the first time, so he said weakly: "The other Xiaoliu can't do it either, let's sing and dance "Itch" first."

Hearing "Itch", Xiao Liu turned on the accompaniment by himself, and then started crying in the office: "Come on, be happy, anyway, I have a lot of time, come on, pretend~"

(End of this chapter)

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