Chapter 664

When the nursery rhyme was broadcast, it was already 10:30. She stretched her waist and was about to wash up. When she turned around, she saw Jiang Ya wearing a facial mask and staring at the bicycle on the bed. Before she walked into the bathroom, Jiang Ya was startled. Zha suddenly yelled: "Fuck, something happened to the nursery rhyme!"

"I'm not interested in gossip at school." After Tong Yao finished speaking, she stretched out her hand and opened the bathroom door.

Jiang Ya rushed into the bathroom with her mobile phone in her arms, and put her mobile phone in front of Nursery Rhyme: "It's not someone else's gossip, it's you, take a look, take a look quickly."

Frowning, Tong Yao took Jiang Ya's phone and took a look, the eyeballs were about to fall out in the next second: "This is not me!"

"Of course I know it's not you, but... this P-picture is too much, why did she focus on you, this woman has thick legs and thick arms, she can't compare with you, but not everyone likes you Knowing your real figure, this...someone will believe it..." Jiang Ya is really convinced, she has seen news before that there will be Internet celebrities or starlets whose heads will be posted on small cards in small hotels ,who knows……

She actually saw nursery rhyme's face being printed on the little card...

Small card for special service...

Moreover, this post was posted by a sophomore in the school. When he took his girlfriend out to open a room, someone stuffed it under the door at night. It looked familiar when I saw it, and I remembered it after looking carefully. The woman on the card It's a nursery rhyme...

He felt a little Jiangya, so he took a photo of the card and posted it on the post bar, and asked: Do you think the person on the special service card looks familiar?
Who would have thought that there would be so many people paying attention to...

Jiang Ya had seen nursery rhymes get angry, it was quite scary.

In order to avoid her fairy losing her temper and smashing her mobile phone, she weakly pulled the mobile phone out of Nursery Rhyme's hand.

After waiting for a few seconds, seeing that Tong Yao did not respond, Jiang Ya blinked her big eyes at Tong Yao.

Tong Yao just glanced at her lightly, and then said, "You're not going out yet, do you want to take a mandarin duck bath with me?"

"Ah? Oh, then I'll go out first." Jiang Ya walked out of the bathroom with her mobile phone in her arms. It was unscientific. The nursery rhyme's reaction was too calm...

It's not that nursery rhymes don't care, but anyone with a little brain knows that it can't be her, they are suspicious, and if they make a call, then they will know who is on the other side?

She just confirmed that the number on the card is not her, which means that it was just an unscrupulous businessman who saw her photo on the Internet and posted her face on P.

It's just that I don't know who is so idle, and actually stared at his own photo.

After coming out of the shower, the lights were turned off, Tong Yao lay down on the bed, took the phone over, opened WeChat and saw the unread message from Xiao Yijin.

Xiao Yijin: The lady seems to be popular, and she is being targeted by criminals, but those people's P skills are not very good.

Seeing this, Tong Yao twitched his lips and replied: Then how are you going to protect your wife.

Xiao Yijin: Just go to the post bar and see.

After receiving his message, Tong Yao logged into the post bar account and found the school's post bar. Seeing the top post, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

There are still a few small cards, but all the photos on the cards have changed, becoming the man who posted the post, and some people who belittled the nursery rhyme photos under the post.

(End of this chapter)

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