Chapter 667 His first love
As for what that brainless Little Gummy is going to do, that's none of her business.

In the live broadcast circle, in order to suppress each other's enthusiasm, the anchors have been making small moves. As long as whoever catches the other's little tail first, it will inevitably cause a lot of sensation in the circle.

Cherry has checked nursery rhymes a long time ago. A game fan who has been live broadcasting since high school, relying on financial resources and sand sculpture style during the live broadcast, he has never participated in any anchor offline activities before being popular last year, and has never been invited to participate. Maoya has always been a very mysterious person for official events live broadcasted by Maoya.

After careful inspection, you will find that except for her concealed gender, there is nothing black about her.

Regarding the matter of hiding her gender, she has been forgiven by many fans, and her popularity has soared because of the exposure of the photos, so this is not black material at all.

If it wasn't for Tongyao's low profile, she would have become very popular on Maoya's live broadcast.

Even if she doesn't care, someone will always do it, and she just waits to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Nursery rhymes who have never participated in live broadcast platform activities, but this time they were dizzy by this goddess event. She originally planned to participate, but Xiao Yijin's words were released, and she was really kicked out of the shelves.

These days, Niu Niu has been talking to her about the Goddess' activities, and the nursery rhymes can't even play games smoothly.

Seeing nursery rhyme leaning on the chair and sighing, Jiang Ya gnawed on the neck of the duck and asked, "What's wrong with my fairy? What's bothering you?"

"It's okay, there will be an event on the live broadcast platform in a few days, and there are many things to do. By the way, your brother Xiao will invite fans to dinner, and you will bring your great talents with you." Tong Yao said and called Yawn, but Jiang Ya remained silent.

If this was normal, Jiang Ya would have rushed over to hug her happily, but this time she was so calm?
This unscientific.

Tong Yao turned around to look at Jiang Ya, and asked softly, "What's the matter? Did you quarrel with your great talent?"

"It's not a quarrel, it's a cold war, and I'm so mad." Jiang Ya sat on the chair angrily, and after a while she rambled: "I feel that he may not like me that much. It's because I like him more, which makes me tired."

"Isn't it? I feel that your great talent still cares about you." Although Tong Yao didn't have much contact with Lin Feng, he thought that guy seemed quite reliable.

Jiang Ya fed the duck neck to the inside and gnawed, then whispered: "Today his ex-girlfriend came to the school to look for him and wanted to get back together with him. His ex-girlfriend is from the School of Communication, tall and thin, I I'm not at the same level as him at all, so I understand why in this relationship, I have always been so active, but his reaction is always very cold."

As the words fell, tears rolled down Jiang Ya's face. The scene of Lin Feng and that girl standing together deeply hurt her eyes. No matter how generous and cheerful she was on weekdays, she couldn't hold back at this time.

Tong Yao didn't expect that Jiang Ya and Lin Feng's relationship would be in crisis. Tong Yao's own emotional experience was limited, but she didn't know how to comfort Jiang Ya.

After thinking for a few seconds, Tong Yao took a tissue and walked to Jiang Ya, and asked softly, "What did Lin Feng say about the reunion?"

"He said, it's all in the past tense, so I don't want to think too much about it, but that girl is his first love, don't they all say that first love is the most unforgettable?" Jiang Ya couldn't help crying, that girl was Lin Feng's First love, but Lin Feng was his first love.

(End of this chapter)

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