Chapter 679
Nursery Rhyme's Gossip Heart Burns: "Did Something Good Happen?"

Du Chuan: "Brother, you can ask Wu Jie about this."

Speaking of Wu Jie, Tong Yao remembered the question Wu Jie asked her just now, so she typed: "Actually, I think Wu Xiaojie is about to fall into your trap, because...he asked me what gift I hope to receive at 520 today, what do you say?" Does he want to give you a gift and doesn't know what to give, so he wants to refer to my answer?"

Seeing the news, the corner of Du Chuan's mouth twitched: "He will give me a gift? It's really like a sow is going to climb a tree."

Nursery rhyme: "That's not necessarily true. After all, he owes you so much money. Maybe he wants to bribe you with a gift or something."

Du Chuan: "..."

From this point of view, Du Chuan actually thought it was possible, but Wu Jie was hiding from him so much, even if he wanted to bribe him with a gift, it should be at another time, and he shouldn't be at 520, so why did he come here? Inquire about nursery rhymes, what gift do you want to receive?
Is it...


Want to send gifts to other girls?
What the fuck?

Wu Xiaojie really wants to do something!

Tong Yao didn't know that she just said it casually, Du Chuan's brain had already opened up, and she was about to dig up some little gossip about Du Chuan and Wu Jie, and then Du Chuan went offline directly...

Facing the suddenly blacked-out profile picture, Nursery Rhyme stared at the sky speechlessly. Daily life was already very boring. If the fun of gossip about Wu Xiaojie was gone, what fun would there be in life.

Little Gummy bought sunspots to go to black nursery rhymes behind the scenes, and found some editors to post some messy articles, but it didn't help at all...

Those trolls were no match for the hundreds of thousands of nursery rhyme fans, and the black fans who spoke in the live broadcast room were overwhelmed by the hardcore nursery rhyme fans every minute.

Not only in the live broadcasting industry, but also in the entertainment industry, this situation is even more common. There are many cases where some competing actor studios bribe their marketing accounts to blackmail competitors, and some forbearance studios do not have proper public relations, so they can only be hacked.

After all, whenever one's idol is hacked, fans will come out to defend it desperately, and some fans' words and deeds are too aggressive, which will completely ruin the popularity of the idol...

Little Gummy has been in the live broadcast circle for so long, she naturally understands these principles, but those methods that work on other anchors are used on nursery rhymes, and she seems to be completely laughing.

The draft of the black nursery rhyme was sent out, and Heizi arrived at the scene quickly to take the rhythm, and then you will find that there are no fans of the nursery rhyme in the comment area below to comment, just like the previous Weibo incident, most of them are playing mahjong and fighting the landlord, reciting Socialist Core Values...

Of course, these are all the meaning of nursery rhymes. The live broadcast style of nursery rhymes has always been sand sculptures, fans follow fans, so it seems that everyone is similar...

So the little jellybeans belong to the money spent, but the waste of money has increased the popularity of nursery rhymes.

Today is already May 5th, but Cherry Britney didn't make any moves at all, and the number of fans of nursery rhymes has increased terribly recently. If this continues, nursery rhymes will not only be in the top ten, but she will definitely be number one. !
Little Gummy couldn't bear it any longer, so she called Cherry. After a long time on the phone, Cherry's sleepy voice came from over there: "Gummy, what's wrong?"

"Cherry, I've been waiting for you for so long, but you still haven't moved. Don't you plan to attack Nursery Rhyme? Go and see her fan count. There are hundreds of thousands more fans in the live broadcast room, and most of her fans are They are all living fans, plus there are so many local tyrants in Xianmeng game, if we let her go, she will take the first place, you have to know that you are the most hopeful to take the first place this time, it is not you who entered the entertainment circle Have you always dreamed?" Little Gummy knew that she would not get the first place, but she didn't want nursery rhymes to get it, so she just came to Cherry to stir up trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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