The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 683 Then I'll Call You Little Jinjin

Chapter 683 Then I'll Call You Little Jinjin

She had just finished speaking when Xiao Yijin's cool swishing voice came from beside her: "The mighty Queen in our game is actually acting like a shrinking turtle."

"Go, go, who is the dragging turtle, Xiao Yijin, please pay attention to your words." When she said this, the nursery rhyme seemed a little guilty, although it was not the first time she called Xiao Yijin her husband in front of others, but when she Seeing Xiao Yijin and so many classmates, this is the first time...

At that time, the words "husband" popped out immediately, and she herself was at a loss.

She knew that with Xiao's aggressive temperament, he would definitely start asking shamelessly.

So just now she played the game without looking up, it was on purpose, thinking that this guy should go after sitting for a while, who knows... He actually stared at her like that until the first get out of class was over...

"Come on, call again." Xiao Yijin whispered into the nursery rhyme.

Tong Yao glanced at him in disgust: "What's your name?"

"Yaoyao, look at you calling me Xiao Yijin every day, how blunt, shouldn't lovers have a pet name or something?" Xiao Yijin has never heard a nursery rhyme calling him husband, although the way they get along now is different. He is satisfied, but he still hopes to go further.

Turning her head to look at Xiao Yijin's expectant face, Tong Yao smiled: "Change your name? That's not impossible, or I will call you... Xiao Jinjin in the future?"

"Pfft, cough, cough..." Jiang Ya was drinking a drink, and when she heard the nursery rhyme, she was so frightened that she sprayed all the drink out of her mouth. Fortunately, there was no one in front, otherwise it would spray on someone else, then How bad...

But her fairy's brain circuit is really gone. It is obvious that Xiao Yijin just wants to hear the word husband, but the nursery rhyme is good, and a little Jinjin pops up directly.

It's not that this name is not intimate enough, but that it is completely inconsistent with the person in the nursery rhyme, so it is not suitable to say it from the nursery rhyme, okay?

Xiao Yijin was also shocked, feeling goosebumps popped up, feeling uncomfortable all over...

What the hell is Xiao Jinjin...

Looking sideways at Tong Yao's sly eyes, Xiao Yijin was about to speak, but a professor was waving at him outside the window, so he got up and walked out.

I spoke a few words to the professor outside the door, and then came back and said to the nursery rhyme: "As for the title, we will study it after we get home."

After he finished speaking, he left, and another professor replaced Xiao Yijin as the substitute teacher.

Nursery rhyme did not take Xiao's threat to heart at all, and she still had a way to deal with Xiao Yijin.

After school, Lao Yu took the nursery rhyme home. In the car, Lao Yu asked, "Miss, you are going to participate in the Goddess Summit event tomorrow. Do you want to tell the chairman about this?"

"No, Uncle Yu, you know what kind of person grandpa is. If you tell him that he didn't know how much money he spent to get me in the first place, let it be. I will naturally thank the fans who are willing to make the list. As for grandpa, you have to keep it a secret, and you can’t tell him.” Thinking of the old man’s support team last time, she had a headache, even the big stars didn’t have that kind of ostentation, and there were so many helicopters taking turns...

If he told him that he was going to participate in the competition this time, no one else would have anything to do with him. He probably maxed out all the gifts by himself...

Lao Yu naturally understands the worries of nursery rhymes. As an old player of Xianmeng game, he naturally pays attention to the live broadcast of nursery rhymes. Is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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