Chapter 691
Walking to the backstage, seeing Tong Yao sitting there rolling her eyes, Xiao Yijin couldn't help laughing: "It's not that stupid to discover their tricks so early."

"It's not difficult to find out. It's like you usually watch variety shows. If the show crew is very biased and always shoots one person, what do other people's fans think? This is very ruining the popularity of passers-by. I still understand this little truth. , It’s just that I didn’t expect so many reporters to be paid off.” Leaving the studio, Tong Yao’s stomach didn’t hurt anymore, and he almost took off his high heels and ran away.

"You've already seen it, then you still let me be questioned by those people for so long." She glanced at Xiao Yijin in disgust, Tong Yao stood up and took off her high heels, ready to leave barefoot .

Seeing this, Xiao Yijin bent down and picked her up, and said unhappily, "Stupid girl, the floor is so cold, what should I do if I catch a cold?"

"Xiao Yijin, let me down. There are so many people here, and there are media here. Then people will say that we deliberately show our affection." At this time, a staff member entered the backstage and saw Xiao Yijin holding nursery rhymes. backed out.

Holding Nursery Yao and sitting on the chair, seeing the anger in her eyes, Xiao Yijin brought Nursery Yao's shoes and squatted there to put them on for her...

Tong Yao's feet are very white, and they are only a little bigger than his hands...

As soon as they heard the sound of the shutter, the two of them turned their heads and saw a photographer standing at the door with a smile, and said with some fear: "I'm sorry, you guys, the picture just now was so beautiful, I can't bear it." I kept taking photos, don’t worry, this photo will not be published, I will send the photo to you.”

As a photographer, he directly pressed the shutter due to his professional habits, but he also knew Xiao Yijin's temper, and he didn't want to offend this Buddha.

Xiao Yijin stood up, walked towards the man slowly, stretched out her hand and said, "Give me the camera."

"That... I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao, I shouldn't have taken this photo. This camera is my job. This..." Although the man was afraid, he handed the camera to Xiao Yijin tremblingly.

He stared at his camera tightly, afraid that Xiao Yijin would drop his camera.

He took the camera, looked at the photo just now, and then his eyes lit up slightly: "This photo is not bad, you can publish it outside if you want, but the content can't be written indiscriminately, and what's more, please send me a copy of this photo first. "

"Okay, okay." The man was sweating coldly on his forehead, and took the camera over: "If there's nothing else, then I'll go first."

"Well, you go first." Xiao Yijin turned around and returned to Tong Yao, and said softly, "Let's go, Yao Yao, I'll take you to a good place."

"Where are you going? Shouldn't I go back and prepare for the evening live broadcast?" In fact, preparing for the live broadcast was just a cover, she got up early in the morning and was really sleepy.

I want to go back and catch up on sleep.

Xiao Yijin looked at the nursery rhyme and yawned lazily, then joined the nursery rhyme and said, "Everyone is in my hands, it's not up to me to decide where to go, let's go, my lord queen."

Looking at Xiao Yijin's outstretched hand, Tong Yao knew that she couldn't leave even if she wanted to, so she had no choice but to put her hand on Xiao Yijin's.

I thought this guy would lead me away honestly, but who knew that he hugged me up again in the next second, the nursery rhyme was speechless, "Xiao Yijin, can't you be more honest?"

(End of this chapter)

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